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		  				<h3 class="animate-intro">Hello, World.</h3>
			  			<h1 class="animate-intro">
						I am Simonel David. <br>
						Computer Science student. <br>
						Based in Cluj-Napoca Romania.

						<ul class="home-section-links">
							<li class="animate-intro">More <a href="#about" class="smoothscroll">About Me</a></li>
							<li class="animate-intro">View <a href="#portfolio" class="smoothscroll">My Projects</a></li>
							<li class="animate-intro">Contact <a href="#contact" class="smoothscroll">By Email</a></li>								

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			<div class="intro">
				<h3 class="animate-this">About</h3>
   			<h1 class="animate-this">More About Me.</h1>

   			<p class="lead animate-this">I am an enthusiastic young man who likes to take advantage of all the opportunities that arise. I like to devote most of my time to my biggest passions: computer science, space field and education. I try as much as possible to contribute daily with new skills to each of these passions of mine.</p>					

		<p class="animate-this">
			Speaking of computer science, I would like to tell you more about this and what I am doing in this field. I am passionate about DevOps and I would like to work and develop myself by working as a DevOps engineer, but maybe after I reach the senior level, I want to take the chance of working more in the cyber security field. I think that nowadays, cyber security and DevOps are two fields that will get bigger and bigger, and the world will need a lot of engineers who will be prepared in these fields. Also, I think that blockchain is a rising field, and as much as nowadays this is a powerful weapon, I think that it's not already a good time to implement it everywhere, but it's good for us teenagers to learn more about it.

		<p class="animate-this">And now more about space and education. As you get to know me, you will realize that ROSPIN left an important mark on my life. There, I met a lot of people who helped me a lot in developing myself and gave me the opportunity to become a better version of myself. So I have continued working with them to make Romania Spatial and I have developed a personal idea for a startup.</p>

			<a href="#contact" class="button full-width animate-this">Contact Me</a>
			<a href="files/CV.pdf" target="_blank" class="button button-primary full-width animate-this">Download CV</a>

	</div> <!-- end about-profile  -->

	<div class="about-services">

			<div class="intro">
   			<h3 class="animate-this">Services</h3>
   			<h1 class="animate-this">What I Do.</h1>

   			<p class="lead animate-this">
				I enjoy helping others so below you can see what I can do based on my experience. Also if you are interested in working with me I advise you to check my <a href="'s%20Public%20Calendar&src=c2ltb25lbGRhdmlkMTdAZ21haWwuY29t&src=Y19jbGFzc3Jvb21jMDY0ODVmOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t&color=%23039BE5&color=%23174ea6" target="_blank">calendar</a>.

		<ul class="services">
			<li class="item-branding animate-this">
				<div class="icon-wrap">
					<i class="fa fa-terminal"></i>
				<div class="service-item">
						At this moment, I know very well how to work with Vagrant and Dockers, and I also have basic knowledge of Ansible, Terraform, Microsoft Azure, and AWS Cloud Services. Also, I have good knowledge of Linux systems.					
			<li class="item-photography animate-this">
				<div class="icon-wrap">
					<i class="fa fa-code"></i>
				<div class="service-item">
					<p>Based on my study field, I know very well how to code in Python, C/C++ and Java. You can see my projects on my GitHub repository named CSFacultyHomework.
			<li class="item-webdesign animate-this">
				<div class="icon-wrap">
					<i class="icon-Manager"></i>
				<div class="service-item">
					<p>ROSPIN gave me the opportunity to be the project manager of <a href="" target="_blank"> ROSPIN School</a>, one of their educational projects aims to give an environment to high school students to work on a spatial project and also to learn from the professionals. I am also their ambassador in Cluj-Napoca, where I am working with the other ambassadors to entertain a community of space enthusiasts. Based on my experience, I know what hard work looks like and I am looking forward to developing myself with new opportunities.
			<li class="item-uiux animate-this">
				<div class="icon-wrap">
					<i class="icon-Music"></i>
				<div class="service-item">
					<h4>Music and art</h4>
					<p>In 2015 I started to play the violin, and between 2016 and 2021 I was part of a dancing group. I can play classical and modern music (but not folk) on the violin, and I've danced in modern and contemporary styles.

	</div> <!-- end about-services  -->   		

</div> <!-- end about-wrap  -->
<div class="overlay"></div>
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<div class="row wide">
	<div class="col-skills">

		<div class="section-intro">
			<h3 class="animate-this">Skillset</h3>
		   <h1 class="animate-this">I've Got Some Skills.</h1>
		   <p class="animate-this">I have a lot of skills and I will not go into details below, but you can see more skills listed on my <a href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn</a></p> account. There you can see easier all the skills related to my experience and my certifications.

		<ul class="skill-bars">
			   <li class="animate-this" data-animate="fadeInRight">
			   	<div class="progress percent90"><span>90%</span></div>
			   	<strong>Programming(python, c/c++, java, etc.)</strong>
			   <li class="animate-this" data-animate="fadeInRight">
			   	<div class="progress percent85"><span>85%</span></div>
			   <li class="animate-this" data-animate="fadeInRight">
			   	<div class="progress percent70"><span>70%</span></div>
			   <li class="animate-this" data-animate="fadeInRight">
			   	<div class="progress percent95"><span>95%</span></div>
			   <li class="animate-this" data-animate="fadeInRight">
			   	<div class="progress percent75"><span>75%</span></div>
			   <li class="animate-this" data-animate="fadeInRight">
			   	<div class="progress percent90"><span>90%</span></div>
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<div class="row narrow section-intro with-bottom-sep">
	<div class="col-twelve">
		<h3 class="animate-this">Career and Education</h3>
   		<h1 class="animate-this">More of My Credentials.</h1>  			
   		<p class="lead">Here you can read more about my education and my career, but I am not entering details, just the overview. You can see more details on LinkedIn under my <a href="" target="_blank">education</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">experience</a> sections</p>	   			
</div> <!-- end section-intro -->

	<div class="row wide credentials-content">

		<div class="col-six tab-full left">

			<h2 class="animate-this">Experience</h2>

   		<div class="timeline-wrap">

			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
				<div class="timeline-ico">
					<i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
				<div class="timeline-header">
					<p class="timeframe">October 2022 - Present</p>
					<h4>Trainee DevOps Engineer</h4>	   					
				<div class="timeline-content">	   					
					<p>Starting in October 2022, I will be a DevOps Engineer at COERA on a trainee level. I am looking forward to learning new things and helping the company with everything they need.</p>
			</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
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					<i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
				<div class="timeline-header">
					<p class="timeframe">July 2022 - August 2022</p>
					<h4>Intern DevOps Engineer</h4>	   					
				<div class="timeline-content">	   					
					<p>I started this internship with basic knowledge of operating systems(especially Linux and Windows), and I managed to finish with a lot of new knowledge. After the internship, I can say that I know how to work with Vagrant and Dockers very well and I have basic knowledge of Ansible, Terraform, Microsoft Azure and AWS Cloud Services. At the end of the internship, I also gained a lot of soft skills like time management, public speaking, and presentation management.</p>
			</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
   				<div class="timeline-ico">
   					<i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
   				<div class="timeline-header">
   					<p class="timeframe">December 2021 - September 2022</p>
   					<h3>Romanian Space Initiative</h3>
   					<h4>ROSPIN School Project Manager</h4>	   					
   				<div class="timeline-content">	   					
   					<p>ROSPIN School is a project organized by Romanian Space Initiative in collaboration with Romanian Science Festival. This program is for high school students from all over Romania and it was organized in the spring of 2022 with a number of over 300 participants. I was the project manager so taking in consideration that this was it's first edition I had a lot of work on defining the project and also on monitoring the work done by the team. I learned more there and if you want to know more details you can <a href="#contact">contact me</a>.</p>
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   				<div class="timeline-ico">
   					<i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
   				<div class="timeline-header">
   					<p class="timeframe">October 2021 - Present</p>
   					<h3>Romanian Space Initiative</h3>
   				<div class="timeline-desc">	   					
   					<p>Starting with the second edition of the Academy Level One, I met the awesome people from ROSPIN, and they offered me the opportunity of creating and maintaining a spatial community in Cluj-Napoca. I managed to find people from Cluj-Napoca who want to know more about space and to entertain them with some activities and small conferences. I am looking forward to more activities and maybe a monthly conference and informal meeting with everyone.</p>
   			</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

   			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
   				<div class="timeline-ico">
   					<i class="fa fa-briefcase"></i>
   				<div class="timeline-header">
   					<p class="timeframe">October 2021 - Present</p>
   					<h3>Societatea HERMES</h3>
   					<h4>Human Resources</h4>	   					
   				<div class="timeline-content">	   					
   					<p>I am a part of the Human Resources department, and I am constantly looking around for my colleagues from faculty to be entertained by our NGO. I volunteered at Hermes Hackathon 2021, and there I tried to prepare some energy drinks for paritipants and also was responsible for other volunteers in order to be sure if they would go to every team to ask them if they needed help. I am looking forward to preparing more projects for the NGO in order to make my colleagues' faculty experience better.</p>
   			</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

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   		<h2 class="animate-this">Education</h2>

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			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
   				<div class="timeline-ico">
   					<i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i>
   				<div class="timeline-header">
   					<p class="timeframe">September 2021 - Present</p>
   					<h3>Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty</h3>
   					<h4>Bachelor Degree</h4>	   					
   				<div class="timeline-content">	   					
   					<p>At present, I am a student at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, with a major in Computer Science. I was the student representative of my department from the first year. Taking into consideration my position, I communicate very often with teachers and a lot of my colleagues to be sure that all the information arrives in good shape and also to organize every exam session.</p>
   			</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
				<div class="timeline-ico">
					<i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i>
				<div class="timeline-header">
					<p class="timeframe">March 2022 - April 2022</p>
					<h3>Romanian Space Initiative - Academy</h3>
					<h4>Level Two</h4>	   					
				<div class="timeline-content">	   					
					<p>I was a participant at ROSPIN Academy Level Two, where I learned the basics of the space field. I participated in lessons on Orbital Mechanics, Mission Lifecycle, Payload and Power, On-Board Data Handling, Orbit Control System, Spacecraft Propulsion, Structure and Thermal Control, Rockets and many more, along with some late-night talks about some of the facts of the lessons. I participated in every lesson, and that helped me again to participate in the next level of ROSPIN Academy.</p>
			</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
				<div class="timeline-ico">
					<i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i>
				<div class="timeline-header">
					<p class="timeframe">October 2021 - November 2021</p>
					<h3>Romanian Space Initiative - Academy</h3>
					<h4>Level One</h4>	   					
				<div class="timeline-content">	   					
					<p>I was a participant at ROSPIN Academy Level One, where I learned the basics of the space field. I participated in lessons on Astronomy and Space Sector Overview, Space Sustenabilty, Space Law, and many discussions outside of the lesson time interval in order to ask for more informal information in this field. I participated in every lesson, and that helped me participate in the next level of ROSPIN Academy.</p>
			</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

   			<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
   				<div class="timeline-ico">
   					<i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i>
   				<div class="timeline-header">
   					<p class="timeframe">September 2017 - June 2021</p>
   					<h3>Liceu Teoretic "Ion Constantin Brătianu" Hațeg</h3>
   				<div class="timeline-desc">	   					
   					<p>During my high school years, I was present in a lot of local activities, and it was not that hard because Hateg is a small town. I took violin and modern dance lessons, and with the help of the people that I met there, I was able to participate in a lot of competitions and local events. I also participated in a lot of school competitions, most of them in the science field. My biggest award was third place in the Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad, and I qualified for the national level, but the olympiad was canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was also in two Erasmus+ projects. One of them was in Lithuania in 2018 and the other one in Turkey in 2019. I was a member of my high school's robotics team, where I learned a lot about electronics and programming arduinos boards. I was team leader for some projects there, and I focused more on software components, such as creating android applications for controlling robotic arms. I was a very active person during high school and I am looking forward to being more active at university.</p>
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<!-- portfolio

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<div class="row narrow section-intro with-bottom-sep">
	<div class="col-twelve">
		<h3 class="animate-this">Projects</h3>
		<h1 class="animate-this">See My Latest Projects.</h1>  			
		<p class="lead">Below you have my recent projects and also the bigger ones. If you are interested in my projects feel free to <a href="#contact">contact me</a> because I am open to answering any question you might have.</p>	   			
</div> <!-- end section-intro -->

 <div class="row wide credentials-content">

		<div class="timeline-wrap">

		<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
			<div class="timeline-ico">
				<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>
			<div class="timeline-header">
				<p class="timeframe">2021, 2022</p>
				<h3>Faculty Projects</h3>
				<h4>My homework projects for faculty.</h4>	   					
			<div class="timeline-content">	   					
				<p><a href="" target="_blank">Here</a> you can find all my projects from faculty organized on Semesters and study topics. There are a lot of projects and some of it is really big but some are small. I hope you will enjoy it! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to <a href="#contact">contact me</a>.</p>
		</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

		<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
			<div class="timeline-ico">
				<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>
			<div class="timeline-header">
				<p class="timeframe">Summer of 2022</p>
				<h3>Personal website</h3>
				<h4>My personal webiste.</h4>	   					
			<div class="timeline-content">	   					
				<p>You are already interacting with this so without any other details I hope you enjoy it! If you want to see all the source code you can find it on my <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub</a> account.</p>
		</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

		<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
			<div class="timeline-ico">
				<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>
			<div class="timeline-header">
				<p class="timeframe">Spring of 2021</p>
				<h3>Wandering for Freedom</h3>
				<h4>My first game.</h4>	   					
			<div class="timeline-content">	   					
				<p>This is the first big project that I can say I completely developed, finished, and published. I made this using Godot and is a 2D game. The game was made as homework in high school and it's about a book from John Stuart Mill named On Liberty. If you want to play it you can on windows by downloading from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and on android by downloading from <a href="" target="_blank">Play Store</a>. Also if you want to watch the trailer feel free to do this on <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube</a>.</p>
		</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

		<div class="timeline-block animate-this">
			<div class="timeline-ico">
				<i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i>
			<div class="timeline-header">
				<p class="timeframe">Autumn of 2020</p>
				<h4>My first website.</h4>	   					
			<div class="timeline-content">	   					
				<p>This is one of my first projects in web development. I made this from scratch with basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This website was made as homework in high school and it's about a book from Blaise Pascal named Pensees. If you want to access it you can click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> but I also made a trailer of this and you can watch it on <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube</a>.</p>
		</div> <!-- end timeline-block -->

		</div> <!-- end timeline-wrap -->								

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<!-- stats

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					<div class="icon-part">
						<i class="fa fa-users"></i>
					<h5 class="stat-title">
						More than
					<h3 class="stat-count"><span id="visits"></span></h3>
					<h2 class="stat-title">
						Visits to the website
				</div> <!-- end stat -->					

				<div class="bgrid stat">
					<div class="icon-part">
						<i class="fa fa-linkedin-square"></i>
					<h5 class="stat-title">
						More than
					<h3 class="stat-count">690</h3>
					<h2 class="stat-title">
						LinkedIn Connections
				</div> <!-- end stat -->

				<div class="bgrid stat">
					<div class="icon-part">
						<i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i>
					<h5 class="stat-title">
						More than
					<h3 class="stat-count">10</h3>
					<h2 class="stat-title">
						Projects Finished
				</div> <!-- end stat -->									

				<div class="bgrid stat">
					<div class="icon-part">
						<i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i>
					<h5 class="stat-title">
						More than
					<h3 class="stat-count">1080</h3>
					<h2 class="stat-title">
						Days from the day I started coding
				</div> <!-- end stat -->
			</div> <!-- end stats-list -->
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<!-- contact

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	<div class="row narrow section-intro">
	<div class="col-twelve">
		<h3 class="animate-this">Contact</h3>
		<h1 class="animate-this">I'm opened to new opportunities. Feel Free to Contact Me.</h1>

		<p class="lead animate-this">If you are interested in any of either the personal either the public projects that I've worked on please contact me. Also if you want to propose me some offer I am opened to know about it.</p>
</div> <!-- end section-intro -->

<div class="row contact-form">
	<div class="col-twelve">

        <!-- form -->
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<div class="row contact-info">

	<div class="col-four tab-full">
		<h5 class="animate-this">When to find me</h5>

		<p class="animate-this">
        Monday-Friday: between 8 AM and 10 PM<br>
        Saturday: between 8 AM and 8 PM<br>
        Sunday: between 2 PM and 8 PM
	</div> <!-- end col-four -->

	<div class="col-four tab-full collapse">
		<h5 class="animate-this">Email Me At</h5>

		<p class="animate-this">
			[email protected]<br>
		   	[email protected]<br>
			[email protected]
	</div> <!-- end col-four -->

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This is a repository where I will work with the files of my personal website project so everyone will have access to the source code.






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