Get-SubscriptionDetails collect your Azure Subscription's details.
- Run PowerShell console
- Run GSD script (ex. Get-SubscriptionDetails -SubscriptionID 1b30dfe1-c2b7-468d-a5cd-b0662c94ec2f)
- login to azure (ASM and ARM)
- wait for a while
- SubscriptionID
- SkipAuth: if you already logged in ASM & ARM, you can skip authorization popup.
- OutputFolder: you can change output folder. (default: $env:USERPROFILE\desktop\Get-SubscriptionDetails)
- ASMOnlyReport, ARMOnlyReport, FullReport: Select report mode.
Collect ASM Resource Information
- Compute
- ASM Cloud Service
- ASM Affinity Group
- ASM Windows VM
- ASM Linux VM
- Storage
- ASM Storage Account
- ASM VM Disk
- ASM OS Image
- Network
- ASM DNS Server
- ASM Local Network Site
- ASM Virtual Network Site
- ASM Virtual Network Gateway
- ASM Application Gateway
- ASM Dedicated Circuit (ExpressRoute)
- ASM Internal Load Balancer
- ASM Reserved IP Address
- ASM Network Security Group (NSG)
- ASM Route Table (UDR)
- Subscription
- ASM Subscription
- ASM Location
- Operation
- Microsoft.ClassicCompute Provider
- Microsoft.ClassicStorage Provider
- Microsoft.ClassicNetwork Provider
- Another Provider
- Compute
Collect ARM Resource Information
- Compute
- ARM Availability Set
- ARM Windows VM
- ARM Linux VM
- Storage
- ARM Storage Account
- ARM VM Disk
- ARM Managed Disks (Snapshot, Image)
- Network
- ARM Virtual Network
- ARM Virtual Network Gateway
- ARM Virtual Network Gateway Connection
- ARM Local Network Gateway
- ARM Application Gateway
- ARM ExpressRoute Circuit
- ARM ExpressRoute Authorization
- ARM ExpressRoute ARP Table
- ARM ExpressRoute Route Table
- ARM Load Balancer
- ARM Network Interface
- ARM Public IP Address
- ARM Network Security Group (NSG)
- ARM Route Table (UDR)
- ARM DNS Zone
- Subscription
- ARM Context (Subscription)
- ARM Resource Provider
- ARM Provider Feature
- ARM Role Assignment
- ARM Role Definition
- ARM Location
- Operation
- Microsoft.Compute Provider
- Microsoft.Storage Provider
- Microsoft.Network Provider
- Another Provider
- Compute
This script need Latest version of Azure PowerShell module.
How to install and configure Azure PowerShell (Doc: English | Japanese)
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Syuhei Uda Released under the MIT license
- 2016/04/24 Ver.0.8.0 (Preview Release) : +VM, Storage, Network summary
- 2016/05/05 Ver.0.8.1 (Preview Release) : +Operation log summary
- 2017/01/14 Ver.0.9.0 (Preview Release) : +some resources & detail view
- 2017/04/08 Ver.0.9.1 (Preview Release) : +some resources & Status color
- 2018/03/18 Ver.0.9.2 (Preview Release) : optimized for Azure PowerShell 5.5.0
- 2018/07/25 Ver.0.9.3 (Preview Release) : + Resource Links (ARM Only)