created a -Dev Build -Local Server
- HMR - hot module replacement -File Watching Algorithm -written in C++ -Caching Faster builds inside parcel-cache file -Image Optimization -Minification of file for production build -Bundling of files -Compressing file -Consistent Hashing -Code Splitting - split your files -Differential Bundling - to support older browsers also -Diagonistics -Good Error handling / Better error Suggestions -Gives a way to host app on HTTPS also - apps that work only on SSL using npm parcel index.html --https -Does tree shaking - removes unused code -transpilation -has lazy mode - load browser lazily -different dev and production bundles
-Header -logo -Nav items
-Body -search -RestaurantContainer -RestaurantCard -img -name of res, rating,cuisine,pricefor2,delivery time
-Footer -copyright -links -Address -Contact
- Default Export/Import :
- write export default export default <component/variable name>
- without curly braces import <component/variable name> from "path"
- Named Export/Import :
- write export in front export const <component/variable name>
- with curly braces import {<component/variable name>} from "path"
(normal js utlity functions)
- useState()-superpoweful state variable in react
- useEffect()
- Clientside Routing
- Serverside Routing
- Install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux
- Build our store (configureStore from @reduxjs/toolkit)
- Connect store to our app (Provider from react-redux)
- Slice (create cart slice inside configureStore)
- Dispatch action call reducer function
- Selector to read store data