shrumpf@github:~$ whoami
┌───────────────────────────────────── System Information ─────────────────────────────────────┐
Name -> Flo
Languages -> German, English
Work -> Senior Web Developer (2017 - today)
Uptime -> 29 years, 5 months, 21 days, 15 hours, 13 mins
OS -> macOS, Windows, i use Arch btw, SteamOS
Machines -> MacBook M1 Max, Futro S740, Raspberry Pi, Steamdeck
Languages -> js, ts, csharp
-> sql, html, css
-> rust (learning)
Frameworks -> svelte, aspnet, blazor, web components
-> tauri (learning)
-> react, angular, vue, express, nest
DevOps & Tools -> vscode, git, visual studio
-> docker, nginx, powershell, bash, nvim, obsidian
-> jira, bitbucket
Skills -> teamwork, project management, problem solving,
communication, tenacity, adaptability
GitHub Stats -> 47 repos | 140 commits | 1 stars |
3 followers | 42767 loc (+17615, -25152)
👋 I'm Flo - Senior Web Developer
🔭 I'm currently exploring Rust and Tauri
💼 I'm currently working on my GitHub Profile & Portfolio
👀 I’m interested in procrastination and upgrading my workflow
🚀 I’m all about building practical web and backend applications, treating programming like assembling LEGO Klemmbausteine — endless possibilities to explore and create.
Whether it’s productivity apps, interactive projects, or framework experiments, I love bringing ideas to life by piecing things together. My repos reflect a mix of front-end and back-end work, with each project offering a chance to learn and experiment.
Since this is my personal GitHub account, many repositories are private. Some contain messy code or code that I copied from various sources, while others are projects I start and abandon once they’re usable (for me) or when I lose interest.
And because I'm very bad at describing myself and my work, some of this text is maybe AI generated so I can blame others.