This bot purpose is to generate detailed text to input in Midjourney.
It uses ChatGPT to generate detailed descriptions that are then condensed in a text containing mostly pronouns and adjective separated by comas.
Once installed, you can use it by typing the command !detail
followed by anything you want.
You send:
!detail an alien
Bot response:
an alien Tall, slender, two arms, four fingers, sharp claws, long tail, scaly green skin, large antennae, yellow slits eyes, small fangs.
To use the bot, you'll have to host it yourself.
TLDR : Create a bot in your discord profile, then copy this repo, edit the secret.yaml
with your info then start the bot using python
The bot is made to be used in a linux server but as it is written in Python, you are able to use it on other OS.
If so, will not work and you'll have to adapt by yourself.
I recommand to install it on a server rather than on tour personnal machine so it can be active 24/7.
You can set a little server, no need for 18 core with 42GB RAM.
Here are some usefull guides for creating linux server :
Creating a virtual machine in GCP
Creating a server on AWS
You can follow this tutorial to create and add a bot to your Discord Server
You also need to give it some autorisation to get the members names and IDs.
Go to -> Select your bot -> got to the "Bot" page -> Enable Presence Intent and Server Members Intent.
The bot only need permission to "send message" and "read history".
Open a terminal on your linux server and clone the code : git clone
Then install the python dependencies : pip3 install openai discord
Now you need to edit the secret.yaml
file with your own OpenAI API and Discord bot token (in Oauth2->General).
Now everything should be good. You can run the bot using : python