Fable bindings for sweetalert2 and sweetalert2-react-content with Feliz style api for use within React applications.
Implemented as both normal functions and Elmish commands, for maximum flexibility.
See the full documentation with live examples here.
A quick look:
Html.button [
prop.onClick <| fun _ -> Swal.fire [ swal.text "Howdy!" ]
prop.text "Fire!"
With React components and Elmish:
# Feliz.SweetAlert - Elmish Alerts using React and Msgs
open Elmish
open Feliz
open Feliz.ElmishComponents
open Feliz.SweetAlert
open Zanaptak.TypedCssClasses
type Bulma = CssClasses<"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bulma/0.7.5/css/bulma.min.css", Naming.PascalCase>
type FA = CssClasses<"https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css", Naming.PascalCase>
let titleComp = React.functionComponent (fun (input: {| text: string |}) ->
Html.p [
prop.className Bulma.ModalCardTitle
prop.children (
Html.strong [
Html.u [ prop.text input.text ]
let bodyComp = React.functionComponent (fun (input: {| link: string |}) ->
Html.div [
prop.className Bulma.ModalCardBody
prop.children (
Html.a [
prop.href input.link
prop.text "Back to the repo!"
let confirmButtonComp = React.functionComponent (fun () ->
React.fragment [
Html.p [
prop.classes [ FA.Fa; FA.FaThumbsUp ]
Html.p [
prop.text "Great!"
let cancelButtonComp = React.functionComponent ( fun () ->
React.fragment [
Html.p [
prop.classes [ FA.Fa; FA.FaThumbsDown ]
Html.p [
prop.text "Not so great."
type Model = { Text: string }
let init () = { Text = "Howdy!" }, Cmd.none
type Msg =
| GetResponse of string
| SendAlert of string
let update msg model =
match msg with
| GetResponse rsp -> { model with Text = rsp }, Cmd.none
| SendAlert url ->
model, Cmd.Swal.fire ([
swal.title (titleComp {| text = "Look at this title!" |})
swal.html (bodyComp {| link = url |})
swal.showCloseButton true
swal.showCancelButton true
swal.focusConfirm false
swal.confirmButtonText (confirmButtonComp())
swal.cancelButtonText (cancelButtonComp())
], (fun res ->
match res with
| SweetAlert.Result.Value _ -> Some (GetResponse "I'm glad you like it!")
| _ -> None))
let view = React.functionComponent (fun (input: {| model: Model; dispatch: Msg -> unit |}) ->
let url = "https://github.com/Shmew/Feliz.SweetAlert"
Html.div [
prop.className Bulma.Control
prop.style [
style.paddingLeft (length.em 8)
style.paddingBottom (length.em 1)
prop.children [
Html.div [
Html.p input.model.Text
Html.button [
prop.classes [ Bulma.Button; Bulma.HasBackgroundPrimary; Bulma.HasTextWhite; Bulma.IsLarge ]
prop.onClick <| fun _ -> input.dispatch (SendAlert url)
prop.text "Fire!"
let render () = React.elmishComponent("ElmishWithReact",init(), update, (fun model dispatch -> view {| model = model; dispatch = dispatch |}))
If you do not use Feliz or need inline alerts there are alternative bindings over at Elmish.SweetAlert.