Twig extension for usage of PHP's glob function.
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
$ composer require shadesoft/twig-glob
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
# app/config/services.yml for Symfony 3 or config/services.yaml for Symfony 4
ShadeSoft\Twig\GlobExtension: ~
# app/config/services.yml
class: ShadeSoft\Twig\GlobExtension
- { name: twig.extension }
// src/dependencies.php
// ...
$container['view'] = function($c) {
$view->addExtension(new ShadeSoft\Twig\GlobExtension);
Add \ShadeSoft\Twig\GlobExtension to your Twig environment's dependencies (or include into one of the frameworks above), then you can use the filter:
{# Without parameters, the filter will return both the matched strings and the found resource as associative array, so you can use it like below: #}
{% for size, icon in 'img/icons/favicon-*.png'|glob %}
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="{{ size }}" href="{{ asset(icon) }}">
{% endfor %}
{# With the optional returnMatch parameter set to false, you will get a simple array with the found resources, like below: #}
{% for css in 'node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-webfonts/css/*.css'|glob(false) %}
<link href="{{ asset(css) }}" rel="stylesheet">
{% endfor %}