This is my first class project, in fact my first programming project. I made it using C in Fall 2015 for CSE 115 (Programming Language I) at NSU.
It is a console bank account management application. It depends on two .txt files-
1. eligible.txt: This file contains information about the people who can use the software.
The number in the first line indicates how many people can use the software. The following lines contain the employee IDs and their respective passwords in each line.
2. masterfile.txt: This file contains information of the bank account holders in a tabular format.
The software allows eligible bank employees to add new customer accounts, view & edit existing customer accounts, and delete customer accounts. There are also options of adding to and withdrawing from user account balances. Moreover, eligible employees have the options to see which customer has the highest account balance, which customer has the lowest account balance, and what is the total & average of all balances.