بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
DAGESTAN: Directed Acyclic Graph Engine for Succinct Trusted Asynchronous Network - Consensus Engine
Powering Scalable Web3 Solutions on Setheum
Dagestan (DAGESTAN) is an asynchronous and Byzantine fault tolerant consensus protocol aimed at ordering arbitrary messages (transactions). It has been designed to continuously operate even in the harshest conditions: with no bounds on message-delivery delays and in the presence of malicious actors. This makes it an excellent fit for blockchain-related applications. DAGESTAN is bult using AlephBFT Consensus protocol.
make check
- Type check the code, without std feature, excluding tests.
make check-tests
- Type check the code, with std feature, including tests.
make test
- Run tests.
DAGESTAN use Cargo.dev.toml
to avoid workspace conflicts with project cargo config. To use cargo commands in DAGESTAN workspace, create Cargo.toml
by running
cp Cargo.dev.toml Cargo.toml
, ormake Cargo.toml
, or- change the command to
make dev-check
etc which does the copy. (For the full list ofmake
commands, checkMakefile
Main projects using DAGESTAN are Setheum Network and Khalifa Blockchain
The primary license for DAGESTAN is the Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.