=>>> 🌐 http://sebsnr.fr 🌐 <<<=
🔨 Skills : HTML / CSS / SASS / BOOTSTRAP / NodeJs / Express / Sequelize / MySQL / SQL
🔧 Framework : REACT ⚛️
🎓 Detailed exam powerpoint : Groupomania-soutenance.pptx
🎯 The objective is to develop an intra-enterprise social network for Groupomania's employees (front & back-end). The web developer is free to imagine this web app and how to display the different functionalities.
📝 https://openclassrooms.com/fr/paths/185/projects/677/assignment
!! Important !!
You must to launch back and front-end servers to display this site
🖥️ Front-end : Technologies: React, Bootstrap, Sass
- Install all librairies => npm install
- launch front live server => npm start => developpement server: http://localhost:3000/
🗃️ Back-end : Technologies: NodeJs, Express, Sequelize, MySQL, SQL
- Install all librairies => npm install
- launch back live server => nodemon server => API: http://localhost:3200/
📂 Database SQL : all connexion informations => back-end/config/db.config.js
🔑 All sensitive informations => back-end/.env
🙍 Test data pre-installed => back-end/config/testData.js Demo: id: [email protected] password: 12fedSDSD&
Node version 14.17.0 React version 17.0.2