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test: add tests for PIDEProblem
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ashutosh-b-b committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 901470e commit 130cd20
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205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions test/PIDEProblem.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
using HighDimPDE

@testset "PIDEs" begin
for d in [1, 10]
x0 = fill(8.0f0, d) # initial points
tspan = (0.0f0, 5.0f0)

μ_f(X, p, t) = zero(X) #Vector d x 1
σ_f(X, p, t) = Diagonal(ones(Float32, d)) |> Matrix
g(X) = sum(X .^ 2) # terminal condition
f_nonlinear(y, z, v_y, v_z, ∇v_y, ∇v_z, p, t) = 0.0f0 .* v_y

prob = PIDEProblem(μ_f, σ_f, x0, tspan, g, f_nonlinear)

@test prob.f == f_nonlinear
@test prob.g == g
@test prob.μ == μ_f
@test prob.σ == σ_f
@test prob.x == x0
@test prob.u0 == g(x0)
@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan

@testset "With neumann_bc" begin
neumann_bc = [-1 * fill(5.0f-1, d), fill(5.0f-1, d)]
prob = PIDEProblem(μ_f, σ_f, x0, tspan, g, f_nonlinear; neumann_bc)

@test prob.f == f_nonlinear
@test prob.g == g
@test prob.μ == μ_f
@test prob.σ == σ_f
@test prob.x == x0
@test prob.u0 == g(x0)
@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan
@test prob.neumann_bc == neumann_bc

@testset "With x0_sample" begin
x0_sample = UniformSampling(fill(-5.0f-1, d), fill(5.0f-1, d))

prob = PIDEProblem(μ_f, σ_f, x0, tspan, g, f_nonlinear; x0_sample)

@test prob.f == f_nonlinear
@test prob.g == g
@test prob.μ == μ_f
@test prob.σ == σ_f
@test prob.x == x0
@test prob.u0 == g(x0)
@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan
@test prob.x0_sample == x0_sample

@testset "With x0_sample and neumann_bc" begin
x0_sample = UniformSampling(fill(-5.0f-1, d), fill(5.0f-1, d))
neumann_bc = [-1 * fill(5.0f-1, d), fill(5.0f-1, d)]

prob = PIDEProblem(μ_f, σ_f, x0, tspan, g, f_nonlinear; x0_sample, neumann_bc)

@test prob.f == f_nonlinear
@test prob.g == g
@test prob.μ == μ_f
@test prob.σ == σ_f
@test prob.x == x0
@test prob.u0 == g(x0)
@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan
@test prob.x0_sample == x0_sample
@test prob.neumann_bc == neumann_bc

@testset "Semilinear Parabolic PDEs" begin
for d in [1, 10]
x0 = fill(8.0f0, d) # initial points
tspan = (0.0f0, 5.0f0)

μ_f(X, p, t) = zero(X) #Vector d x 1
σ_f(X, p, t) = Diagonal(ones(Float32, d)) |> Matrix
g(X) = sum(X .^ 2) # terminal condition
f_semilinear(X, u, σᵀ∇u, p, t) = Float32(0.0)

prob = PIDEProblem(μ_f, σ_f, x0, tspan, g, f_semilinear)

@test prob.f == f_semilinear
@test prob.g == g
@test prob.μ == μ_f
@test prob.σ == σ_f
@test prob.x == x0
@test prob.u0 == g(x0)
@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan

@testset "Obstacle PDEs : Optimal Stopping Problems" begin
for d in [1, 10]
r = 0.05
beta = 0.2
T = 3.0
u0 = fill(90.0, d)
delta = 0.1
mu(du, u, p, t) = du .= (r - delta) * u
sigma(du, u, p, t) = du .= beta * u
tspan = (0.0, T)
N = 9
dt = T / (N)
K = 100.00
function payoff(x, t)
return exp(-r * t) * (max(maximum(x) - K, 0))

prob = PIDEProblem(mu, sigma, u0, tspan; payoff = payoff)

@test prob.f == nothing
@test prob.g == nothing
@test prob.μ == mu
@test prob.σ == sigma
@test prob.x == u0
@test prob.u0 == payoff(x0, 0.0)
@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan
@test prob.kwargs.payoff == payoff

@testset "Kolmogorov PDEs" begin
for d in [1, 10]
xspan = d == 1 ? (-6.0, 6.0) : [(-6.0, 6.0) for _ in 1:d]
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
σ(u, p, t) = 0.5 * u
μ(u, p, t) = 0.5 * 0.25 * u

function g(x)
1.77 .* x .- 0.015 .* x .^ 3

prob = PIDEProblem(μ, σ, nothing, tspan, g; xspan)

@test prob.f == nothing
@test prob.g == g
@test prob.μ == μ
@test prob.σ == σ

if d == 1
@test prob.u0 == g([xspan[1]])
@test prob.x == [xspan[1]]
@test prob.u0 == g(first.(xspan))
@test prob.x == first.(xspan)
@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan
@test prob.kwargs.xspan == xspan

@testset "Kolmogorov PDEs - Parametric Family" begin
for d in [1, 10]
γ_mu_prototype = nothing
γ_sigma_prototype = zeros(d, d, 1)
γ_phi_prototype = nothing

tspan = (0.00, 1.00)
xspan = d == 1 ? (0.00, 3.00) : [(0.00, 3.00) for _ in 1:d]

function g(x, p_phi)
x .^ 2

sigma(dx, x, p_sigma, t) = dx .= p_sigma[:, :, 1]
mu(dx, x, p_mu, t) = dx .= 0.00

p_domain = (p_sigma = (0.00, 2.00), p_mu = nothing, p_phi = nothing)
p_prototype = (p_sigma = γ_sigma_prototype,
p_mu = γ_mu_prototype,
p_phi = γ_phi_prototype)

prob = PIDEProblem(mu, sigma, nothing, tspan, g;
p_domain = p_domain,
p_prototype = p_prototype)

@test prob.f == nothing
@test prob.g == g
@test prob.μ == mu
@test prob.σ == sigma

if d == 1
@test prob.u0 == g([xspan[1]], p_prototype.p_phi)
@test prob.x == [xspan[1]]
@test prob.u0 == g(first.(xspan), p_prototype.p_phi)
@test prob.x == first.(xspan)

@test prob.p == nothing
@test prob.tspan == tspan
@test prob.kwargs.xspan == xspan
@test prob.kwargs.p_domain == p_domain
@test prob.kwargs.p_prototype == p_prototype
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using SafeTestsets, Test
@testset "HighDimPDE" begin
@time @safetestset "Quality Assurance" include("qa.jl")
@time @safetestset "PIDEProblem" include("PIDEProblem.jl")
@time @safetestset "reflect" include("reflect.jl")
@time @safetestset "reflect" include("reflect.jl")
@time @safetestset "MLP" include("MLP.jl")
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