Streamline Your Java Maven Application Deployment with this Ultimate CI/CD Pipeline using Jenkins, Docker, SonarQube, Argo CD, Helm and Kubernetes
For Installing Jenkins & Configuring Docker as agent:
- Docker Pipeline
- Slack Notification
- SonarQube Scanner
- Install Docker on your EC2 instance. ( Don't forget to reboot your EC2)
- Enable inbound rule 9000 in your EC2 security group.
- Create a directory named "sonarqube" in your home directory.
mkdir sh
- Run the following command to start the SonarQube server:
sudo docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 -p 9092:9092 -v ~/sonarqube-data:/opt/sonarqube/data sonarqube
- Fetch the SonarQube token and add it to Jenkins credentials as a secret text.
If you need help then checkout this video.I've added timestamp :
- Add the SonarQube server to Jenkins by navigating to "Manage Jenkins" > "System" > "SonarQube Servers" and entering the server name, server URL, and authentication token. '
Add the DockerHub username and password as secret text in Jenkins credentials.
Set the ID same as {docker-hub-repo} in the Jenkinsfile.
- Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) from your GitHub account at
- Add the GitHub username and PAT as secret text in Jenkins credentials.
- Set the ID same as {github-credentials} in the Jenkinsfile.
- Create a Slack account and workspace.
- Navigate to and select the "any" channel from your workspace to get the token.
- Add the Slack token as secret text in Jenkins credentials.
- Now go to Dashboard > Manage Jenkins > System and search for Slack and configure it.
Congratulations! You have successfully set up Jenkins and Docker for slave configuration.