Math Game is an engaging and educational application designed to help children enhance their arithmetic skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This fun and interactive game offers an enjoyable learning experience while reinforcing fundamental math concepts.
- Press any of the four buttons to begin the game. As soon as you press a button, an arithmetic question will appear.
- You will be presented with a series of arithmetic questions. Answer them as quickly as you can.
- Each correct answer earns you 10 points. Each incorrect answer costs you lives.
- You start the game with 3 lives. Every time you answer a question incorrectly, you lose a life. The game ends when you have lost all your lives.
- You have 1 minute to answer for every problem if the times ends before you answer, then you lose a life.
- At the end of the game, your score will be displayed. Try to beat your high score!
Home Screen
- The home screen prominently features five buttons labeled “ADDITION,” “SUBTRACTION,” “MULTIPLICATION,” “DIVISION,” and “INSTRUCTIONS.”
- Each of the first 4 button corresponds to a specific mathematical operation.
- When you click on any of the first four buttons, the game will start, and it will present you with problems related to that specific mathematical operation.
- Clicking on instuctions button will lead you to page which tells how the game works.
The Game