ASP.Net Core based Service Fabric Web API service with Client Certificate Authentication.
This sample implements a Service Fabric stateless frontend web api service with support for client certificate authentication.
Client Certificate Authentication is implemented by defining a custom middleware that uses ITlsConnectionFeature to retrieve and validate client certificate passed in the http request.
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
var tlsConnectionFeature = httpContext.Features.Get<ITlsConnectionFeature>();
var certificate = await tlsConnectionFeature.GetClientCertificateAsync(httpContext.RequestAborted);
// Validate the certificate here
And then inject this custom middleware in Startup.cs
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
This implementation assumes Client Certificate will always be passed by the client along with Http Request. If you need client certificate negotiation, you will need additional setup.