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 * rewritten to be able to dynamicly load it's components
   - CLISetup -> checks for UtilityScripts (config, setup, dbc reader, etc.) -> checks for SetupScripts (individual sql/file generators)
   - each step may now have a help prompt attached. If none are provided, the containing script may provide it's help.
   - all Scripts are self contained modules. No more editing of 3+ files if some component is added/removed
 * removed intermediaries FileGen & SqlGen
 * functional changes
   - allow providing CLI arguments to siteconfig and account UtilityScript and skip the interactive prompts
   - set slot for consumable enchantment items so they are filtrable
   - zones dataset is now localized and generated from GlobalStrings.lua and DungeonMap.dbc. Related data dumps removed.
   - 'aowow' and 'prQueue' executables now have shebangs

    WARNING - command line options have been renamed!
  • Loading branch information
Sarjuuk committed Jun 20, 2024
1 parent ab4cf67 commit bf184e7
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Showing 149 changed files with 9,619 additions and 9,168 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions aowow
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php

require 'includes/kernel.php';

if (!CLI)
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli')
die("this script must be run from CLI\n");
if (CLI && getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'aowow' != __FILE__)
die("this script must be run from root directory\n");
require 'setup/setup.php';
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'aowow' != __FILE__)
die("this script must be run from the aowow root directory\n");

require 'includes/kernel.php';
require 'setup/setup.php';

46 changes: 0 additions & 46 deletions datasets/zones

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion includes/ajaxHandler/data.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ protected function handleData() : string
// locale independant
case 'quick-excludes':
case 'zones':
case 'weight-presets':
case 'item-scaling':
case 'realms':
Expand All @@ -102,6 +101,7 @@ protected function handleData() : string
case 'enchants':
case 'itemsets':
case 'pets':
case 'zones':
if (!Util::loadStaticFile($set, $result, true) && Cfg::get('DEBUG'))
$result .= "alert('could not fetch static data: ".$set." for locale: ".User::$localeString."');";

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion includes/basetype.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ private function createFullSpawns() // for display on map (o
$floors = [];
foreach ($points as $p)
if (isset(Game::$areaFloors[$p['areaId']]))
if ($p['floor'])
$floors[$p['areaId']][] = $p['floor'];

if (isset($menu[$p['areaId']]))
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7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions includes/game.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,13 +140,6 @@ class Game
null, 4, 10, 9, 8, 6, 15, 11, 3, 5, null, 7

public static $areaFloors = array(
206 => 3, 209 => 7, 719 => 3, 721 => 4, 796 => 4, 1196 => 2, 1337 => 2, 1581 => 2, 1583 => 7, 1584 => 2,
2017 => 2, 2057 => 4, 2100 => 2, 2557 => 6, 2677 => 4, 3428 => 3, 3457 => 17, 3790 => 2, 3791 => 2, 3959 => 8,
3456 => 6, 3715 => 2, 3848 => 3, 3849 => 2, 4075 => 2, 4100 => 2, 4131 => 2, 4196 => 2, 4228 => 4, 4272 => 2,
4273 => 6, 4277 => 3, 4395 => 2, 4494 => 2, 4722 => 2, 4812 => 8

public static function sideByRaceMask($race)
// Any
Expand Down
38 changes: 0 additions & 38 deletions localization/locale_dede.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1188,44 +1188,6 @@
'cat' => array(
"Östliche Königreiche", "Kalimdor", "Dungeons", "Schlachtzüge", "Unbenutzt", null,
"Schlachtfelder", null, "Scherbenwelt", "Arenen", "Nordend"
'floors' => array(
206 => ["Vorbereitung der Norndir", "Aufstieg der Drachenschinder", "Tyrs Terrasse"],
209 => ["Der Hof", "Speisesaal", "Die Verwaiste Höhle", "Das Tiefere Observatorium", "Das Obere Observatorium", "Lord Godfreys Kammer", "Der Wehrgang"],
719 => ["Der Teich von Ask'Ar", "Mondschreinsanktum", "Der Vergessene Teich"],
721 => ["Die Halle der Zahnräder", "Der Schlafsaal", "Startrampe", "Tüftlerhof"],
796 => ["Friedhof", "Bibliothek", "Waffenkammer", "Kathedrale"],
1196 => ["Untere Spitze", "Obere Spitze"],
1337 => ["Halle der Bewahrer", "Khaz'goroths Sitz"],
1581 => ["Die Todesminen", "Eiserne Bucht"],
1583 => ["Tazz'Alaor", "Listspinnertunnel", "Hordemar", "Schwarzfausthalle", "Drachenspitzhalle", "Der Krähenhorst", "Schwarzfelsstadion"],
1584 => ["Gefängnisblock", "Die Schattenschmiede"],
2017 => ["Kreuzzüglerplatz", "Der Spießrutenlauf"],
2057 => ["Das Reliquiarium", "Kammer der Beschwörung", "Das Arbeitszimmer des Direktors", "Familiengruft der Barovs"],
2100 => ["Höhlen von Maraudon", "Zaetars Grab"],
2557 => ["Gordokhallen", "Hauptstadtgärten", "Hof der Hochgeborenen", "Das Gefängnis von Immol'thar", "Wucherborkenviertel", "Der Schrein von Eldretharr"],
2677 => ["Garnison des Drachenmals", "Hallen des Zwists", "Die Blutroten Labore", "Nefarians Unterschlupf"],
3428 => ["Untergrund des Schwarmbaus", "Die Tempeltore", "Höhle von C'Thun"],
3457 => ["Bedienstetenunterkünfte", "Obere Nobelställe", "Der Bankettsaal", "Die Gästezimmer", "Balkon des Opernsaals", "Die Terrasse des Meisters", "Untere Eingestürzte Treppe", "Obere Eingestürzte Treppe", "Die Menagerie", "Bibliothek des Wächters", "Das Warenlager", "Obere Bibliothek", "Die Himmelswacht", "Halle der Spiele", "Medivhs Gemächer", "Die Energiekammer", "Netherraum"],
3790 => ["Hallen des Jenseits", "Brücke der Seelen"],
3791 => ["Sethekkversteck", "Hallen der Trauer"],
3959 => ["Ausbildungsgelände der Illidari", "Kanäle von Karabor", "Zuflucht der Schatten", "Hallen der Pein", "Blutschattens Wacht", "Hof der Irdischen Gelüste", "Kommandoraum", "Tempelspitze"],
3456 => ["Das Konstruktviertel", "Das Arachnidenviertel", "Das Militärviertel", "Das Seuchenviertel", "Übersicht", "Frostwyrmhort"],
3715 => ["Die Dampfkammer", "Die Kühlteiche"],
3848 => ["Stasisblock: Trion", "Stasisblock: Maximus", "Eindämmungskern"],
3849 => ["Die Mechanar", "Berechnungskammer"],
4075 => ["Sonnenbrunnenplateau", "Schrein der Finsternis"],
4100 => ["Außerhalb von Stratholme", "Stratholme"],
4131 => ["Zuflucht des Großmagisters", "Beobachtungsplatz"],
4196 => ["Die Vorhallen von Drak'Tharon", "Aussichtspunkt von Drak'Tharon"],
4228 => ["Band der Varianz", "Band der Akzeleration", "Band der Transmutation", "Band der Angleichung"],
4272 => ["Die unnachgiebige Garnison", "Straße der Schöpfer"],
4273 => ["Der große Vorstoß", "Die Vorkammer von Ulduar", "Das innere Sanktum von Ulduar", "Das Gefängnis von Yogg-Saron", "Der Funke der Imagination", "Das Gedankenauge"],
4277 => ["Die Brutgrube", "Hadronox' Hort", "Das vergoldete Tor"],
4395 => ["Dalaran", "Die Schattenseite"],
4494 => ["Ahn'kahet", "2. Stockwerk"],
4722 => ["Kolosseum der Kreuzfahrer", "Die eisigen Tiefen"],
4812 => ["Die untere Zitadelle", "Das Schädelbollwerk", "Dom des Todbringers", "Hort der Frostkönigin", "Der obere Bereich", "Königliche Quartiere", "Der Frostthron", "Frostgram"]
'quest' => array(
Expand Down
38 changes: 0 additions & 38 deletions localization/locale_enus.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1189,44 +1189,6 @@
'cat' => array(
"Eastern Kingdoms", "Kalimdor", "Dungeons", "Raids", "Unused", null,
"Battlegrounds", null, "Outland", "Arenas", "Northrend"
'floors' => array(
206 => ["Norndir Preparation", "Dragonflayer Ascent", "Tyr's Terrace"],
209 => ["The Courtyard", "Dining Hall", "The Vacant Den", "Lower Observatory", "Upper Observatory", "Lord Godfrey's Chamber", "The Wall Walk"],
719 => ["The Pool of Ask'Ar", "Moonshrine Sanctum", "The Forgotten Pool"],
721 => ["The Hall of Gears", "The Dormitory", "Launch Bay", "Tinkers' Court"],
796 => ["Graveyard", "Library", "Armory", "Cathedral"],
1196 => ["Lower Pinnacle", "Upper Pinnacle"],
1337 => ["Hall of the Keepers", "Khaz'Goroth's Seat"],
1581 => ["The Deadmines", "Ironclad Cove"],
1583 => ["Tazz'Alaor", "Skitterweb Tunnels", "Hordemar City", "Hall of Blackhand", "Dragonspire Hall", "The Rookery", "Blackrock Stadium"],
1584 => ["Detention Block", "Shadowforge City"],
2017 => ["Crusader's Square", "The Gauntlet"],
2057 => ["The Reliquary", "Chamber of Summoning", "The Headmaster's Study", "Barov Family Vault"],
2100 => ["Caverns of Maraudon", "Zaetar's Grave"],
2557 => ["Gordok Commons", "Capital Gardens", "Court of the Highborne", "Prison of Immol'Thar", "Warpwood Quarter", "The Shrine of Eldretharr"],
2677 => ["Dragonmaw Garrison", "Halls of Strife", "Crimson Laboratories", "Nefarian's Lair"],
3428 => ["The Hive Undergrounds", "The Temple Gates", "Vault of C'Thun"],
3456 => ["The Construct Quarter", "The Arachnid Quarter", "The Military Quarter", "The Plague Quarter", "Overview", "Frostwyrm Lair"],
3457 => ["Servant's Quarters", "Upper Livery Stables", "The Banquet Hall", "The Guest Chambers", "Opera Hall Balcony", "Master's Terrace", "Lower Broken Stair", "Upper Broken Stair", "The Menagerie", "Guardian's Library", "The Repository", "Upper Library", "The Celestial Watch", "Gamesman's Hall", "Medivh's Chambers", "The Power Station", "Netherspace"],
3715 => ["The Steamvault", "The Cooling Pools"],
3790 => ["Halls of the Hereafter", "Bridge of Souls"],
3791 => ["Veil Sethekk", "Halls of Mourning"],
3848 => ["Stasis Block: Trion", "Stasis Block: Maximus", "Containment Core"],
3849 => ["The Mechanar", "Calculation Chamber"],
3959 => ["Illidari Training Grounds", "Karabor Sewers", "Sanctuary of Shadows", "Halls of Anguish", "Gorefiend's Vigil", "Den of Mortal Delights", "Chamber of Command", "Temple Summit"],
4075 => ["Sunwell Plateau", "Shrine of the Eclipse"],
4100 => ["Outside Stratholme", "Stratholme City"],
4131 => ["Grand Magister's Asylum", "Observation Grounds"],
4196 => ["The Vestibules of Drak'Tharon", "Drak'Tharon Overlook"],
4228 => ["Band of Variance", "Band of Acceleration", "Band of Transmutation", "Band of Alignment"],
4272 => ["Unyielding Garrison", "Walk of the Makers"],
4273 => ["The Grand Approach", "The Antechamber of Ulduar", "The Inner Sanctum of Ulduar", "The Prison of Yogg-Saron", "The Spark of Imagination", "The Mind's Eye"],
4277 => ["The Brood Pit", "Hadronox's Lair", "The Gilded Gate"],
4395 => ["Dalaran City", "The Underbelly"],
4494 => ["Ahn'Kahet", "Level 2"],
4722 => ["Crusaders' Coliseum", "The Icy Depths"],
4812 => ["The Lower Citadel", "The Rampart of Skulls", "Deathbringer's Rise", "The Frost Queen's Lair", "The Upper Reaches", "Royal Quarters", "The Frozen Throne", "Frostmourne"]
'quest' => array(
Expand Down
38 changes: 0 additions & 38 deletions localization/locale_eses.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1188,44 +1188,6 @@
'cat' => array(
"Reinos del Este", "Kalimdor", "Mazmorras", "Bandas", "No las uso", null,
"Campos de batalla", null, "Terrallende", "Arenas", "Rasganorte"
'floors' => array(
206 => ["Preparación Norndir", "Ascenso de los Desuelladragones", "Bancal de Tyr"],
209 => ["El Patio", "Comedor", "El Cubil Vacío", "Observatorio inferior", "Observatorio superior", "Cámara de Lord Godfrey", "El Camino de la Muralla"],
719 => ["La Alberca de Ask'ar", "Sagrario Lunar", "Las Charcas del Olvido"],
721 => ["La Sala de Máquinas", "Los Dormitorios", "Aeropuerto", "Cámara Manitas"],
796 => ["[Cementerio]", "[Biblioteca]", "[Armería]", "[Catedral]"],
1196 => ["Pináculo inferior", "Pináculo superior"],
1337 => ["Sala de los Guardianes", "Trono de Khaz'goroth"],
1581 => ["Las Minas de la Muerte", "Cala del Acorazado"],
1583 => ["Tazz'Alaor", "Túneles de Arácnidas", "Ciudad Hordemar", "Sala de Puño Negro", "Sala Dracopico", "El Grajero", "Estadio de Roca Negra"],
1584 => ["Bloque de Detención", "Ciudad Forjatiniebla"],
2017 => ["Plaza de los Cruzados", "El Guantelete"],
2057 => ["El Relicario", "Cámara de la Invocación", "Sala Rectoral", "[Barov Family Vault]"],
2100 => ["Cavernas de Maraudon", "Tumba de Zaetar"],
2557 => ["Ágora de Gordok", "Jardines de la Capital", "Corte de los Altonato", "Prisión de Immol'thar", "Barrio Alabeo", "Santuario de Eldretharr"],
2677 => ["Cuartel Faucedraco", "Salas de los Conflictos", "Laboratorios Carmesí", "Guarida de Nefarian"],
3428 => ["El Subterráneo de la Colmena", "Las Puertas del Templo", "Cámara de C'Thun"],
3456 => ["El arrabal de los ensamblajes", "El arrabal arácnido", "El arrabal militar", "El arrabal de la peste", "La Necrópolis inferior", "La Necrópolis superior"],
3457 => ["Alcobas de los Sirvientes", "Caballerizas superiores", "La Sala de Banquetes", "Los Aposentos de los Invitados", "Balcón de la Sala de la Ópera", "El Bancal del Maestro", "La Escalera Quebrada inferior", "La Escalera Quebrada superior", "La Sala de las Fieras", "Biblioteca del Guardián", "El Repositorio", "La Biblioteca superior", "El Mirador Celestial", "Sala del Tablero", "Estancias de Medivh", "La Central Eléctrica", "Espacio Abisal"],
3715 => ["La Cámara de Vapor", "Las Charcas Refrescantes"],
3790 => ["Salas del Más Allá", "Puente de las Almas"],
3791 => ["Velo Sethekk", "Salas del Luto"],
3848 => ["Bloque de Estasis: Trion", "Bloque de Estasis: Maximus", "Pabellón de Aislamiento"],
3849 => ["El Mechanar", "Estancias de Calculación"],
3959 => ["Campo de entrenamiento Illidari", "Cloacas de Karabor", "Santuario de las Sombras", "Salas de Angustia", "Vigilia de Sanguino", "Guarida de los Placeres Mortales", "Cámara de Mando", "Cima del Templo"],
4075 => ["Meseta de La Fuente del Sol", "Santuario del Eclipse"],
4100 => ["El Camino a Stratholme", "Stratholme"],
4131 => ["Asilo del Gran Magister", "Sector de Observación"],
4196 => ["El vestíbulo de Drak'Tharon", "Centinela de Drak'Tharon"],
4228 => ["Sortija de discrepancia", "Sortija de Aceleración", "Sortija de transmutación", "Sortija de alineación"],
4272 => ["El Cuartel Implacable", "Camino de los Creadores"],
4273 => ["El Gran Acceso", "La Antecámara de Ulduar", "El Sagrario Interior de Ulduar", "La Prisión de Yogg-Saron", "La Chispa de la Imaginación", "El Ojo de la Mente"],
4277 => ["El Foso del Linaje", "Guarida de Hadronox", "La Puerta dorada"],
4395 => ["Ciudad de Dalaran", "Los Bajos Fondos"],
4494 => ["Ahn'kahet", "Nivel 2"],
4722 => ["El Coliseo Argenta", "Las profundidades heladas"],
4812 => ["La ciudadela inferior", "La Muralla de las Calaveras", "Ascenso del Libramorte", "La guarida de la Reina de Escarcha", "Los Confines superiores", "Cuarteles Reales", "El Trono Helado", "Agonía de Escarcha"]
'quest' => array(
Expand Down

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