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Microservices running through containers using a Django backend.


Explanation video: Watch here

Sample Users for Testing

Super User:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: 123456

Normal User:

  • Username: peter
  • Password: spiderman

How to Run the Project

  1. Ensure you have Docker installed.
  2. Use docker-compose up at the root of the project directory.
  3. Access the application at

How to Run Unit Tests

  1. Ensure you have Python 3 installed.
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it:
    python3 -m venv virtualenv
    source virtualenv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run unit tests for each service:
    ./stock_service/ test
    ./api_service/ test

How to Use

Using Swagger

  1. Access the Swagger UI at
  2. Generate a token at /api/token using any of the credentials listed above.
  3. Insert the token at the "Authorize" button at the top of the Swagger UI.
  4. Use the following endpoints:
    • /stock: Query stock information.
    • /history: View your query history.
    • /stats: Check the most queried stocks (requires superuser access).

Your access token lasts 5 minutes. Use the refresh token at /api/token/refresh to get a new one.


  • PostgreSQL is used due to its popularity. If the /stock endpoint is expected to be called much more frequently than /history and /stats, consider using a NoSQL database for faster writes.
  • Logging to the console is fine for debugging, but in production, use robust monitoring tools.
  • User credentials and access tokens should never be hardcoded. This is for illustration purposes only. Use a .env file for storing secrets.
  • Use autopep8 for code style compliance.
  • I used pika instead of celery for simplicity.
  • I used drf-spectacular instead of drf-yasg due to better support for OpenAPI 3.0 and more frequent updates.


Showcase for microservices and python backend






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