Hi! This repository is your first Numerical Methods labs provider😎
You can improve this source if you have well-written labs or cool sources with explanations 🤝
Let's make our faculty better together❤️
Every labs laing in branch.
- Lab_1 (Gauss)
- Lab_2 (Newton)
- Lab_3 (Eiler)
- Lab_4 (Least Squares)
- Lab_5 (Integral by Simpson, QubeSimpson, Trapezoid)
labs wroten on js, c++ or python
Mulyarchic book: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1SIxyXp74kESIgpQChAS9_dwO4sW9lQEo
Profi Algo Book: https://vk.com/doc334463276_651192065?hash=UgndG0zw3cb7h5yo6nVrXUn0naF3EPvEh7Fc2NbRjzT&dl=CDQvP6LzznOFjigeLgLi37lVZeoagNcnS5EVgRCTYYL
Gauss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c_Qs8TqLqk
Newton http://www.physchem.chimfak.sfedu.ru/Source/NumMethods/Sys_non-lin_eq.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1zptO6E_nE
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ci2hhfGk2c&t=2s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF8NsSY6-8o
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WarfY9ZF0vM
Least Squares (MNK):
- http://mathprofi.ru/formula_simpsona_metod_trapecij.html
- https://vuzlit.com/2305652/kubaturnaya_formula_tipa_simpsona
Advisse for you:: better check the cool programming book above)
Write to me if you have well-written labs or cool sources with explanations. Thanks in advance friend !😉