A shell script that uses diamond to compute the reciprocal best hits between two proteomes in a rush.
- download :
wget https://github.com/SamiLhll/rbhXpress/releases/download/v1.2.3/rbhXpress.tar.gz
- uncompress :
tar -xzf rbhXpress.tar.gz
On MacOS you'll need to install your own version of diamond blast.
You can do it using Homebrew as following :
brew install diamond
(OPTIONAL) you can an add alias to your ~/.bashrc so you can run the script by typing rbhXpress in the terminal.
to do it type the following command, replacing <path_to_rbhXpress.sh> by the actual path of this file on your machine :
echo "alias rbhXpress=\"./<path_to_rbhXpress.sh>\"" | tee -a ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
The tool consist of a shell script and a binary of diamond blast.
Run the bashscript in a terminal with the following mandatory arguments :
-a PROTEOME1 (fasta format, also works with simlinks)
-b PROTEOME2 (fasta format, also works with simlinks)
-o OUTPUT_NAME (path to the file to write the mutual best hits)
-t THREADS (number specifying the amount of threads dedicated to the job)
To run the tool and compare the proteomes downloaded from Ensembl for Homo sapiens (GRCh38) vs Mus musculus (GRCm39) using 6 threads, type in your terminal :
bash rbhXpress.sh \
-a Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.pep.all.fa \
-b Mus_musculus.GRCm39.pep.all.fa \
-o Hsap_Mmus.tab \
-t 6
It gives the following output :
rbhXpress v1.2.3
- creating databases
- creating databases : DONE
- run the blast : a vs b
- run the blast : b vs a
- run the blast : DONE
- select the reciprocal best hits
- cleaning temporary files
Done : found 24355 reciprocal best hits.
Output written in Hsap_Mmus.tab
Log written in Hsap_Mmus.tab.log
The resulting tab separated table written in Hsap_Mmus.tab reports one line per orthologous pair with sequence names of file a in first column, and sequence names of file b in the second column :
head Hsap_Mmus.tab
ENSP00000000233.5 ENSMUSP00000020717.6
ENSP00000000412.3 ENSMUSP00000007602.9
ENSP00000001008.4 ENSMUSP00000032508.5
ENSP00000001146.2 ENSMUSP00000145092.2
ENSP00000002125.4 ENSMUSP00000024887.5
ENSP00000002165.5 ENSMUSP00000055519.6
ENSP00000002501.6 ENSMUSP00000135524.3
ENSP00000002596.5 ENSMUSP00000113919.2
ENSP00000002829.3 ENSMUSP00000141865.2
ENSP00000003084.6 ENSMUSP00000049228.6
The script uses diamond v2.0.15 (Buchfink, B., Reuter, K., & Drost, H. (2021)).
A binary for linux is attached within the releases of this tool.
Linux users don't have todo anything about it, while macOS users have to install it using Homebrew.
In the example above, using 6 threads for the two protein datasets of 120k and 67k sequences, it took 1m18s for the script to complete.