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Salieri edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 7 revisions

As of version 0.15.0 SWIM features an ever expanding API which allows users to make use of some of its functions. Especially worth mentioning being all the (former) macros SWIM had. These are now backed into the module directly and their functions are exposed, meaning you can access them in macros and your own module directly.
All functions are asynchronous.

Helper Functions

Especially useful for macro and module devs may be the following helper functions:

Get Macro Variables

Macros get a number of variables from FVTT core directly, namely speaker, character, actor and token. These are usually not available in other contexts however which is why SWIM offers a simple way to get them:
async swim.get_macro_variables()
Returns the four variables available in script macros. Best used like this:
const { speaker, character, actor, token } = await swim.get_macro_variables()

Critfail Check

Checks if a roll made was a critical failure.
async swim.critFail_check(wildcard, roll)

  • wildcard {boolean}: Wild Card status of the character that made the roll. If false it will make another roll 1d6x according to the SWADE core rules, if true the script will just compare the both dice.
  • roll {object}: The roll that was made and needs to be checked for a critfail.
    It returns true in case of a critfail or false if not.
    Warning: Currently doesn't support rolls with multiple trait dice. Feeling adventurist? Make a Pull Request to fix it. =)

Get Benny Image

Returns the file path of the back side of the benny configured in the SWADE core settings.
async swim.get_benny_image()

Check Bennies

Checks the passed token for available Bennies.
async swim.check_bennies(token)

  • token {object}: The token you want to check for Bennies.
    Returns { tokenBennies, gmBennies, totalBennies }.
  • tokenBennies {number}: The amount of Bennies the token has.
  • gmBennies {number}: The amount of Bennies the GM has, if the function is executed from a GMs account.
  • totalBennies {number}: The amount of Bennies the player has for that specific token (token Bennies + GM Bennies if executed by a GM). It assumes that non Wild Cards have 0 Bennies and checks for Luck and Great Luck set up as Edges to apply additional Bennies. You have more Edges/Special Abilities that add Bennies? Create an issue and I'll include them.

Spend Benny

Checks for available Bennies first (see above) and spends one if available. If the token has none and the player is a GM, it spends a GM Benny.
async swim.spend_benny(token, message)

  • token {object}: The token for which a Benny shall be spent.
  • message {boolean}: If true a chat message will be created that notifies about the spent Benny. Note that the game will show the benny flip if DiceSoNice! is active.

Is First GM

Checks whether or not the player in question is the first GM that is logged in and returns true if that is the case.
This is especially useful for developers who want to relay some code to GMs to execute code that cannot be executed by player accounts (i.e. to alter actors the player does not own). The function effectively prevents execution of the code multiple times if more than one GM is logged in.


Wait a specified amount of milliseconds before executing the rest of the script. Especially useful for sound and video effects to not play at the same time. It needs to be awaited.
async swim.wait(ms)

  • ms {number}: The amount of time to pause script execution in milliseconds.
    This is basically a planned delay in script execution. Use it responsibly, too large numbers can make one think your script is laggy.

Get official class

This returns the proper html div tag for the installed ans active rules compendium module.
async swim.get_official_class()
It supports all modules present in the Official Modules File. The code will search the file in reverse (bottom up) and stops at the first active module it finds. The file is set up to have core rule modules (SWADE and SWPF, those which come with the core rules) at the very top, followed by other modules in any order, all in English. After that any language may follow but also set up so that core rule modules come first. This ensures that the div is always that which belongs to your setting and language (although that may not be relevant in this case, it is for the next two functions).

Get official Journal Link

This will return the journal link of an official module that corresponds to the entered searchString.
async get_official_journal_link(searchString)

  • searchString (string): Needs to be the exact string found in the Official Modules File, i.e. 'size'. Please see Get Official Closs to learn how it chooses the link, the way it operates is the same.

Get official Compendium Key

This will return the compendium key of an official module that corresponds to the entered searchString.
async _get_official_compendium_key(searchString)

  • searchString (string): Needs to be the exact string found in the Official Modules File, i.e. 'hindrances' (mind the s). Please see Get Official Closs to learn how it chooses the link, the way it operates is the same.

Get Actor SFX

Gets and returns all the SFX file paths from an actor. Will return the default ones if the paths are not found or labelled NULL (case sensitive). (There currently only is a default one for becoming shaken, thus the other will returned as undefined.)
async swim.get_actor_sfx(actor)

  • actor {object}: The actor on which to search the sfx file paths.
    Returns the four sfx file paths. Best used like this:
    const { shakenSFX, deathSFX, unshakeSFX, soakSFX } = await swim.get_actor_sfx(actor)

Play SFX

This just plays the sfx with the provided settings for everyone.
async swim.play_sfx(sfx, volume, playForAll)

  • sfx {string}: The file path to the audio file.
  • volume {number}: The volume level on which to play the audio between 0 and 1. Will use default settings of SWIM if undefined.
  • playForAll {boolean}: Determines whether or not the SFX should be played for everyone (true) or just the current user (false). It defaults to true.

Get Folder Content

This returns all contents of a folder and its sub-folders up to three layers deep, regardless of permission.

  • folderName {string}: A unique folder name.

Run Migration

This will run the migration of SWIM that changes items and actors to the new setup (converts additional stats to flags).
(async) swim.run_migration(actor, item)

  • actor {object}: A swade actor, if you only have a token pass, the migration will then update the tokens actor and the actor it originated from as well as all their items. If you don't wish to migrate an actor pass it as a boolean and make it false.
  • item {object}: A swade item, the migration will then update the item only the actor remains unchanged. If you don't wish to migrate an item pass it as a boolean and make it false.

Draw Cards

SWIM comes with its own deck of cards. It is easier to use than the Foundry card API but offers only very limited functionality. It is mainly useful for developers who just need a very quick card draw. It properly emulates a deck of cards, always draws from top and can run out of cards. It utilises a standard 54 card deck with two Jokers.
swim.draw_cards(numberOfCards, playSound)

  • numberOfCards (Number): The number of cards you want to draw.
  • playSound (Boolean): Whether or not you want to play a sound effect, defaults to true but will always only play the SFX for the user calling the function.

Shuffle Deck

Since the deck can run out of cards and will remember the decks state until you reload the world, it will be necessary to shuffle the deck from time to time. Usually you should do that each time you want to draw cards as there is currently no way to know the remaining number of cards in the deck. It uses a Fisher-Yates shuffle to ensure that each permutation has an equal probability.
swim.shuffle_deck(playSound, showNotification)

  • playSound (Boolean): Whether or not you want to play a sound effect, defaults to true but will always only play the SFX for the user calling the function.
  • showNotification (Boolean): Whether or not you want to show the notification that the deck was shuffled.

Feature Functions

The following functions present the core features of SWIM. They are probably less useful for macro and module devs but presented here anyway in case you want to utilise them.
Note that all of them except the BR2 ones get the macro variables (see above) first, so they really only work on selected token(s). The BR2 ones need the BR2 variables passed to function.