[Made this over weekends to optimize my work with SSMS (SQL Server)]
It can generate insert queries with given parameters
#SSMS #C# #WPF #XAML #Mateterial Design
.NET Framework 4.7.2 >
Parametrs types:
1.Basic (generated by me and taken in Enum)
2.Custom (generated by you and added to root folder with name Custom, example: root/Custom/github.txt where every row is new generated element)
1.Blue - basic
2.Grey - you add new syntaxes by inteface but didn't add source elements (content inside or didn't create the file)
3.Dark Orange - file was created and more than zero elements exist
"Menu burger" show custom and basic syntaxes that exist
"Time setting"
-Set interval of each generation
-Buttons: start/stop
-State: show in which state programm run
"Log panel":
-Show errors and tips
-Range of source elements in %
-Full mode give you full query, basic only values
-Table name (needed only in full mode)
-Clear log
"Left down state":
-Progamm state
"Textbox" (read as top-down):
-Your query (take parameters of query, symbol " , " with spaces is seporator)
-Output (last output)
-Big textlock (show all outputs)