The conjugator takes in a verb and a grammar form and outputs the conjugated word. For example, the future form of ‘하다’(to do) should return ‘할거야’(will do). This API will come handy for people who are learning a new language or, if you’re like us, building a language learning app As for now, the following languages are supported:
- Korean
- Hindi
- French
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
The Conjugator Webiste is live!
Installing universal-conjugator can be done with npm. The link to the npm page can be found here.
npm install universal-conjugator
First, create a supported language conjugator. Second, pass in a verb and attributes (e.g. tense) associated with the language.
# Import the universal-conjugator module
let Conjugator = require('universal-conjugator');
# First get a conjugator object for language of your choice
let koreanConjugator = Conjugator.create('korean');
# Call the conjugator's conjugate method to conjugate the verb of your liking
let conjugatedWord = koreanConjugator.conjugate(‘하다’, {
tense: 'future',
To start developing, fork and clone the reposity onto your local computer and run npm install.
git clone
cd conjugator
npm install
To contribute to the Conjugator Website, please submit pull request to origin/website branch.
Tests are written with Chai.js. Reference for the library is here. After writing tests, use the below instructions to run the tests.
npm run test # run single time
npm run test:watch # live re-run test for any change
We warmly welcome contributions and pull requests to the universal-conjugator project. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch.
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.