[](the link definitions are at the bottom)
SPHERE.IO is the first Platform-as-a-Service solution for eCommerce.
The JVM SDK enables developers to use Java 8 methods and objects to communicate with SPHERE.IO rather than using plain HTTP calls. Users gain type-safety, encapsulation, IDE auto completion and an internal domain specific language to discover and formulate valid requests.
- install Java 8
- (since Feb 26, 2016 new link) Javadoc, there you find also code snippets and insights
<!-- experimental -->
- http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Cicom.commercetools.sdk.jvm.core%7Ccommercetools-models%7C1.0.0-RC1%7Cjar
- http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Ccom.commercetools.sdk.jvm.core%7Ccommercetools-java-client%7C1.0.0-RC1%7Cjar
- http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Ccom.commercetools.sdk.jvm.core%7Ccommercetools-convenience%7C1.0.0-RC1%7Cjar
: alias for sphere-java-client-ahc-2_0commercetools-java-client-apache-async
: uses Apache HTTP clientcommercetools-java-client-ahc-1_8
: uses async HTTP client 1.8commercetools-java-client-ahc-1_9
: uses async HTTP client 1.9 (AHC 1.9 is incompatible to AHC 1.8)commercetools-java-client-ahc-2_0
: uses async HTTP client 2.0 (do not mix it with the other AHC modules)commercetools-models
: models which do not depend to a client implementation
see https://github.com/sphereio/sphere-jvm-sdk-scala-add-ons
- since RC1-SNAPSHOT, formerly in sphere-convenience-module
- https://github.com/sphereio/commercetools-jvm-sdk-reactive-streams-addons
Useful code from external developers
- ProductImageUploadCommand from http://dev.sphere.io/http-api-projects-products.html#upload-product-image
see https://github.com/sphereio/sphere-jvm-sdk-experimental-java-add-ons
- https://github.com/sphereio/sphere-jvm-sdk/milestones
- https://waffle.io/sphereio/sphere-jvm-sdk
- Sunrise Java - a shop using Play Framework 2.x with Handlebars.java as template engine, Google Guice for DI
- Donut - single product subscription shop example with Play Framework 2.x and Twirl (Plays default) as template engine
- commercetools Spring MVC archetype - template integrating the SDK with Spring DI and Spring MVC and showing just some products, thymeleaf template engine
- Experimental features in the API are also experimental features of the SDK.
- this includes for example
- cart discounts
- custom fields
- discount codes
- types endpoint/custom fields
- payments
- nested product attribute
- the stable and unstable features can be mixed
- a cart contains the reference to its discounts
- this includes for example
- The dependencies will only be updated in the next major version to improve stability. Of course, if bugs in libraries occur, we may need to update.
- JVM SDK test dependencies and build tools can be updated because they don't affect the production code.
- The JVM SDK has an abstract HTTP client layer so old or new http client versions can be used.
- order import is experimental
- getters of draft objects might change since the API allows in upgrades different objects
- final classes without public constructors can be transformed into an interface
- create a file "integrationtest.properties" inside the project root
- fill it with the credentials of a new empty commercetools project which is for testing;
projectKey=YOUR project key without quotes
clientId=YOUR client id without quotes
clientSecret=YOUR client secret without quotes
- use
mvn verify
to execute all integration tests - use
mvn -Dit.test=*Product* -DfailIfNoTests=false verify
to execute all integration test classes which have "Product" in the class name - for running the unit tests use
mvn test
- alternatively use your IDE to execute the tests
[](definitions for the top badges)