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tahliar committed Apr 10, 2024
1 parent da536ec commit 3d6c210
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318 changes: 51 additions & 267 deletions xml/ha_crmreport_passl.xml
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Expand Up @@ -32,244 +32,40 @@
data from the current node.
If your security policy does not allow passwordless &rootuser; SSH login, or prevents
&rootuser; SSH login entirely, then running <command>crm report</command> as &rootuser;
fails on all remote nodes. If the cluster was initialized by a non-root user with
<command>sudo</command> privileges, this user can run cluster reports successfully
under these restrictions. However, if the cluster was initialized by the &rootuser; user,
you must use the following workaround to run cluster reports:
If your security policy does not allow passwordless &rootuser; SSH login,
then running <command>crm report</command> as &rootuser; fails on all remote nodes.
In this case, you can still run cluster reports with one of the following options:
Creating a dedicated local user account (for running
<command>crm report</command>).
Configuring passwordless SSH access for that user account, ideally by
using a non-standard SSH port.
Configuring <command>sudo</command> for that user.
Running <command>crm report</command> as
that user.

<sect1 xml:id="sec-crmreport-nonroot-user">
<title>Creating a local user account</title>

The following example creates a local user named
<systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem> from command line. The
password can be anything that meets your security requirements.
Alternatively, you can create the user account and set the password with

<title>Creating a dedicated user account for running cluster reports</title>
Start a shell and create a user
<systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem> with a home
directory <filename>/home/hareport </filename>:
<screen>&prompt.root;<command>useradd -m -d /home/hareport -c "HA Report" hareport</command></screen>
Set a password for the user:
<screen>&prompt.root;<command>passwd hareport</command></screen>
When prompted, enter and re-enter a password for the user.

<title>Same user is required on each cluster node</title>
To create the same user account on all nodes, repeat the steps above on
each cluster node.
<sect1 xml:id="sec-crmreport-nonroot-ssh">
<title>Configuring a passwordless SSH account</title>

<title>Configuring the SSH daemon for a non-standard port</title>
By default, the SSH daemon and the SSH client talk and listen on port
<literal>22</literal>. If your network security guidelines require the
default SSH port to be changed to an alternate high numbered port, you
need to modify the daemon's configuration file
To modify the default port, search the file for the
<literal>Port</literal> line, uncomment it and edit it according to
your wishes. For example, set it to:
<screen>Port 5022</screen>
If your organization does not permit the &rootuser; user to access
other servers, search the file for the
<literal>PermitRootLogin</literal> entry, uncomment it and set it to
<screen>PermitRootLogin no</screen>
Alternatively, add the respective lines to the end of the file by
executing the following commands:
<screen>&prompt.root;<command>echo “PermitRootLogin no” &gt;&gt; /etc/ssh/sshd_config</command>
&prompt.root;<command>echo “Port 5022” &gt;&gt; /etc/ssh/sshd_config</command></screen>
After modifying <filename>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</filename>, restart the
SSH daemon to make the new settings take effect:
<screen>&prompt.root;<command>systemctl restart sshd</command></screen>

<title>Same settings are required on each cluster node</title>
Repeat the SSH daemon configuration above on each cluster node.

<title>Configuring the SSH client for a non-standard port</title>
If the SSH port change is going to be made on all nodes in the cluster,
it is useful to modify the SSH configuration file,
To modify the default port, search the file for the
<literal>Port</literal> line, uncomment it and edit it according to
your wishes. For example, set it to:
<screen>Port 5022</screen>
Alternatively, add the respective line to the end of the file by
executing the following commands:
<screen>&prompt.root;<command>echo “Port 5022” &gt;&gt; /etc/ssh/ssh_config</command></screen>

<title>Settings only required on one node</title>
The SSH client configuration above is only needed on the node on which
you want to run the cluster report.</para>
<para>Alternatively, you can use the <option>-X</option> option to run the
<command>crm report</command> with a custom SSH port or even make
<command>crm report</command> use your custom SSH port by default. For
details, see <xref linkend="pro-crmreport-custom-ssh"/>.</para>

<title>Configuring shared SSH keys</title>
You can access other servers using SSH and not be asked for a
password. While this may appear insecure, it is actually
a secure access method since the users can only access servers that
their public key has been shared with. The shared key must be created as
the user that will use the key.
Log in to one of the nodes with the user account that you have created
for running cluster reports (in our example above, the user account was
<systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem>).
Generate a new key:
<screen><prompt role="user">hareport &gt; </prompt>ssh-keygen -t rsa</screen>
This command generates a 2048 bit key by default. The default
location for the key is <filename>~/.ssh/</filename>. You are asked to
set a passphrase on the key. However, do not enter a passphrase because
for passwordless login there must not be a passphrase on the key.
If the cluster was initialized by a non-root user with <command>sudo</command>
privileges, this user can run cluster reports.
After the keys have been generated, copy the public key to
<emphasis>each</emphasis> of the other nodes
(<emphasis>including</emphasis> the node where you created the key):
<screen><prompt role="user">hareport &gt; </prompt>ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ <replaceable>HOSTNAME_OR_IP</replaceable></screen>
In the command, you can either use the DNS name for each server, an
alias, or the IP address. During the copy process you will be asked to
accept the host key for each node, and you will need to provide the
password for the <systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem>
user account (this will be the only time you need to enter it).
After the key is shared to all cluster nodes, test if you can log in as
user <systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem> to the other
nodes by using passwordless SSH:
If the cluster was initialized by the &rootuser; user, you can create a
dedicated non-root user to run cluster reports.
<screen><prompt role="user">hareport &gt; </prompt>ssh <replaceable>HOSTNAME_OR_IP</replaceable></screen>
You should be automatically connected to the remote server without
being asked to accept a certificate or enter a password.
The following procedure describes how to give a non-root user limited privileges so
that it can use <command>sudo</command> to run <command>crm report</command>, but
otherwise has no <command>sudo</command> access.

<title>Settings only required on one node</title>
If you intend to run the cluster report from the same node each time, it
is sufficient to execute the procedure above on this node only.
Otherwise repeat the procedure on each node.
<sect1 xml:id="sec-crmreport-nonroot-sudo">
<title>Configuring <command>sudo</command></title>
<title>Configuring limited <command>sudo</command> privileges for a non-root user</title>

The <command>sudo</command> command allows a regular user to quickly
become &rootuser; and issue a command, with or without providing a
password. Sudo access can be given to all root-level commands or to
specific commands only. Sudo typically uses aliases to define the entire
command string.
specific commands only. This procedure describes how to configure <command>sudo</command>
privileges only for the specific commands required to run cluster reports.
Sudo typically uses aliases to define the entire command string.

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A non-root user with no <command>sudo</command> privileges. The following
procedure uses an example user called <systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem>.
The user <systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem> exists on all
nodes in the cluster.
The user <systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem> can access all
other nodes in the cluster via passwordless SSH.

<title>Configuring limited <command>sudo</command> privileges for a non-root user</title>
Log in as &rootuser;.
Expand All @@ -301,7 +120,7 @@
<para> Look for the following categories: <literal>Host alias
specification</literal>,<literal>User alias specification</literal>,
specification</literal>, <literal>User alias specification</literal>,
<literal>Cmnd alias specification</literal>, and <literal>Runas alias
specification</literal>. </para>
Expand All @@ -327,10 +146,7 @@ Runas_Alias R = root <co xml:id="ha-sudoers-runas-alias"/></screen>
<callout arearefs="ha-sudoers-user-alias">
The user alias allows you to add multiple local user accounts to a
single alias. However, in this case you could avoid creating an alias since
only one account is being used. In the example above, we added the
<systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem> user which we have
created for running cluster reports.
single alias. However, in this case only one account is being used.
<callout arearefs="ha-sudoers-cmd-alias">
Expand All @@ -346,7 +162,7 @@ Runas_Alias R = root <co xml:id="ha-sudoers-runas-alias"/></screen>
<callout arearefs="ha-sudoers-runas-alias">
The <literal>runas</literal> alias specifies the account that the command will be run
as. In this case &rootuser;.
as, in this case &rootuser;.
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<sect1 xml:id="sec-crmreport-nonroot-execute">
<title>Generating a cluster report</title>
<para>To run cluster reports with the settings you have configured above, you need to be logged
in to one of the nodes as user <systemitem class="username">hareport</systemitem>.
To start a cluster report, use the <command>crm report</command> command.
For example: </para>
<screen><prompt role="user">hareport &gt; </prompt><command>sudo crm report -f 0:00 -n "&node1; &node2; &node3;"</command></screen>
<para>This command extracts all information since <literal>0 am</literal> on the named nodes
and create a <literal>*.tar.bz2</literal> archive named
<filename>pcmk-<replaceable>DATE</replaceable>.tar.bz2</filename> in
the current directory.</para>
<procedure xml:id="pro-crmreport-custom-ssh">
<title>Generating a cluster report using a custom SSH port</title>
<para>When using a custom SSH port, use the <option>-X</option> with
<command>crm report</command> to modify the client's SSH port. For example,
if your custom SSH port is <literal>5022</literal>, use the following
<screen>&prompt.root;<command>crm report -X "-p 5022" [...]</command></screen>
<para>To set your custom SSH port permanently for
<command>crm&nbsp;report</command>, start the interactive &crmshell;:</para>
<screen>&prompt.root;<command>crm options</command></screen>
Enter the following:
<screen>&prompt.crm.opt;<command>set core.report_tool_options "-X -oPort=5022"</command></screen>

3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions xml/ha_hawk2_health_i.xml
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details. To verify cluster health and generate the report, &hawk2; requires
passwordless SSH access between the nodes. Otherwise, it can only collect data
from the current node. If you have set up your cluster with the bootstrap scripts,
which are provided by the &crmshell;, passwordless SSH access is already configured. If you need to
configure it manually, see <xref linkend="sec-crmreport-nonroot-ssh"/>.
which are provided by the &crmshell;, passwordless SSH access is already configured.

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To monitor multiple clusters, use the &hawk2; <guimenu>Dashboard</guimenu>.
The cluster information displayed in the <guimenu>Dashboard</guimenu> screen
is stored on the server side. It is synchronized between the cluster nodes (if
passwordless SSH access between the cluster nodes has been configured). For
details, see <xref linkend="sec-crmreport-nonroot-ssh"/>. However, the
passwordless SSH access between the cluster nodes has been configured). However, the
machine running &hawk2; does not even need to be part of any
cluster for that purpose&mdash;it can be a separate, unrelated system.
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