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Eduhub Validator Service

A web service for validating Eduhub OOAPI endpoints


Check endpoint.

Perform basic checks on whether the endpoint is up.

Calls the endpoint with endpointId through the Eduhub gateway and reports if a successful response is received.

On success, responds with a 200 OK status

On error, responds with a 502 Bad Gateway status.

GET /endpoints/{endpointId}/config

Validate endpoint

Use the validator to validate the endpoint and generate a report.

GET /endpoints/{endpointId}/paths

Fetch Status

Load the current status as json. Fields include job-status (pending, finished or failed), endpoint-id, profile, pending-at and finished-at, with ISO-8601 timestamp format.

GET /status/{uuid}

HTML Endpoints

View status

View the status in the browser. If the status is finished, the report can be viewed, downloaded or deleted from this page.

GET /view/status/{uuid}

View report

View the validation report in the browser.

GET /view/report/{uuid}

Download Report

Download report as a HTML file.

GET /download/report/{uuid}

Delete report

Delete the report and the associated status data from the Redis database.

POST /delete/report/{uuid}


Environment vars

The service can be fully configured using environment variables:

GATEWAY_BASIC_AUTH_USER             Username for gateway
GATEWAY_BASIC_AUTH_PASS             Password for gateway
SURF_CONEXT_CLIENT_ID               SurfCONEXT client id for validation service
SURF_CONEXT_CLIENT_SECRET           SurfCONEXT client secret for validation service
ALLOWED_CLIENT_IDS                  Comma separated list of allowed SurfCONEXT client ids. 
MAX_TOTAL_REQUESTS                  Maximum number of requests that validator is allowed to make before raising an error
OOAPI_VERSION                       Ooapi version to pass through to gateway
SERVER_PORT                         Starts the app server on this port
REDIS_URI                           URI to redis
JOB_STATUS_EXPIRY_SECONDS           Number of seconds before job status in Redis expires
SPIDER_TIMEOUT_MILLIS               Maximum number of milliseconds before spider timeout.
VALIDATOR_SERVICE_ROOT_URL          The root url of the web endpoint, used to generate a url to a status view. This url is included in the json output after starting a validation job as "web-url".

Secret files

If secrets need to be kept out of the environment, for all variables VAR_NAME it is possible to provide a VAR_NAME_FILE variable instead, which provides a path to a file containing the corresponding value.

For instance, if REDIS_URI would contain a password, create a file /var/secrets/redis_uri containing redis://someuser:[email protected], and provide a REDIS_URI_FILE variable containing /var/secrets/redis_uri.

Debugging configuration

In order to see the configuration as used by the service, run the following in the environment:

java -cp /path/to/eduhub-validator-service.jar clojure.main -e "(do (require '[ :as config]) (prn (config/validate-and-load-config environ.core/env)))"


java -jar target/eduhub-validator-service.jar
# To test:
curl -v 'http://localhost:3002/endpoints/'

Run in Docker

make docker-build
docker compose up
# To test:
curl -v 'http://localhost:3002/endpoints/'
curl -v 'http://localhost:3002/endpoints/'

Run locally

java -jar target/eduhub-validator-service.jar
curl -s -X POST -u$SURF_CONEXT_PASSWORD -d "grant_type=client_credentials"
curl -v -X POST 'http://localhost:3002/endpoints/' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" 


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