A Java application for running stix-to-html transformations against STIX input documents. More information about STIX can be found at http://stix.mitre.org.
The primary goal of the Java stix-to-html application is to make it easy for STIX users to render HTML views of STIX content. The stix-to-html application can render single STIX documents at a time. Users wanting to render multiple documents or take advantage of stix-to-html customization can leverage any XSLT 2.0 engine (e.g. Saxon) to do so. Please see the stix-to-html usage notes for more information about advanced uses.
The Java stix-to-html application depends on a working, installed JRE (Java Runtime Environment). This application has been developed and tested on Java 7.
Releases of the Java stix-to-html application will comply with the Semantic Versioning specification at http://semver.org/.
This project uses Maven 3.2+ as the primary build tool. See http://maven.apache.org for details.
Common Maven goals (complete list here):
clean - Deletes the target/ directory and associated build files.
package - Builds the project, creates the jar, runs the tests
To run maven behind a proxy, you'll need to add a <proxies>
section to your Maven
file. More details on how to configure Maven to use a proxy
can be found here: http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-proxies.html.
Relases of stix-to-html will include a binary package containing the following files:
stix-to-html.jar # Java stix-to-html binary
stix-to-html.bat # Windows script for launching stix-to-html.jar
stix-to-html.sh # Bash script for launching stix-to-html.jar
LICENSE.txt # License information
README.md # This README file.
The following commands can be used to run the Java stix-to-html application.
> stix-to-html -i INPUT.xml -o OUTPUT.html
> stix-to-html --indir C:\path\to\stix\files\ --outdir C:\path\to\output\
$ ./stix-to-html.sh -i INPUT.xml -o OUTPUT.html
$ ./stix-to-html.sh --indir /path/to/stix/files --outdir /path/to/output/
$ java -jar stix-to-html.jar -i INPUT.xml -o OUTPUT.html
$ java -jar stix-to-html.jar --indir /path/to/stix/files --outdir /path/to/output/
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