A library of XSLT stylesheets, CSS, and JavaScript which enables the rendering of STIX XML documents into a human-readable, HTML form.
The Structued Threat Information eXpression (STIX) is a collaborative, community-driven effort to define and develop a standardized language for the representation and characterization of structured cyber threat information and is currently implemented in XML Schema.
The STIX to HTML project defines a library of XSLT stylesheets, CSS, and JavaScript that transforms STIX XML documents into a human-readable HTML view. It was designed to be leveraged by developers, either as a mechanism for batch rendering STIX documents or to be embedded as a visualization component within a STIX-capable application.
STIX to HTML also supports the rendering of Cyber Observable eXpression (CybOX) documents and Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization (MAEC) documents.
This is a work in progress, so please feel free to provide feedback or let us know if something isn't working properly at [email protected]!
This project makes heavy use of XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 functions and capabilities and requires an XSLT 2.0 processing engine when transforming input documents. STIX to HTML has been tested using Saxon 9.5 and 9.6.
STIX to HTML Java Binary:
Releases are bundled with a self-contained Java binary which enables simple transformations of STIX XML content. For information about how to use the Java binary,
see the README.
A Single STIX XML File (Saxon):
java -jar /opt/saxon/saxon9he.jar -xsl:xslt/stix_to_html.xsl -s:input.xml -o:output.html
A Directory of STIX Documents (Saxon):
java -jar /opt/saxon/saxon9he.jar -xsl:stix_to_html.xsl -s:inputdir -o:outputdir
The following entities are rendered by STIX to HTML:
- Observables
- All (except no support for MAEC objects yet)
- Indicators
- Title
- Description
- Valid_Time_Position
- Suggested_COAs
- Alternative_ID
- Observable
- Composite_Indicator_Expression
- Indicated_TTP
- Kill_Chain_Phases
- Confidence
- Sighting
- Test_Mechanisms
- Likely_Impact
- Suggested_COAs
- Handling
- Related_Indicators
- Producer
- TTPs
- Description
- Intended_Effect
- Behavior
- Resources
- Victim_Targeting
- Exploit_Targets
- Related_TTPs
- Kill_Chain_Phases
- Information_Source
- Handling
- Exploit Targets
- Title
- Vulnerability
- Weakness
- Configuration
- Potential_COAs
- Information_Source
- Handling
- Incidents
- Time
- Description
- Categories
- Reporter
- Responder
- Coordinator
- Victim
- Affected_Assets
- Impact_Assessment
- Status
- Related_Indicators
- Related_Observables
- Leveraged_TTPs
- Attributed_Threat_Actors
- Intended_Effect
- Security_Compromise
- Discovery_Method
- Related_Incidents
- COA_Requested
- COA_Taken
- Confidence
- Contact
- History
- Handling
- Courses of Action
- Stage
- Type
- Description
- Objective
- Structured_COA
- Impact
- Cost
- Efficacy
- Handling
- Campaigns
- Title
- Names
- Status
- Intended_Effect
- Related_Incidents
- Related_TTPs
- Related_Indicators
- Attribution
- Associated_Campaigns
- Confidence
- Activity
- Information_Source
- Handling
- Threat Actors
- Title
- Identity
- Type
- Motivation
- Intended_Effect
- Planning_And_Operational_Support
- Observed_TTPs
- Associated_Campaign
- Associated_Actors
- Handling
- Confidence
- Information_Source
- MAEC Bundle
- Malware_Object_Instance_Attributes
- AV_Classification
- Action
- Behavior
- Capability
- Collection
- Object
- MAEC Package
- Malware_Subject
- Malware_Object_Instance_Attributes
- Label
- Analyses
- Finding_Bundles
- Malware_Subject
- MAEC General Support
- Process Tree
Each category of top-level entities is turned into a main table on the page. The item itself is expandable and other nested content pointing to other entities and objects are also expandable.
At the moment, entities are expandable when they have inline content with an
attribute or when it references content in another part of the document with
an @idref
attribute. Entities without an @id
or @idref
are displayed
NOTE: HTML that is embedded in StructuredTextType
fields (such as Description
) will be rendered as text and not rendered as HTML.
In STIX, data markings are used to mark specific pieces of the STIX
document with some sort of information. The scope of these markings is determined by a Controlled_Structure
field, typically found in
the Handling
section of a STIX_Header
or core STIX component (e.g., Indicator
, Incident
, etc.).
The STIX to HTML transform suite currently supports the rendering of marking information in a limited capacity:
- The
XPath is not evaluated. - Only instances of the Simple Marking extension are currently rendered.
- Entities marked using the Simple Marking extension
will display the
text of the marking structure.
- README.md: this file.
- stix_to_html.xsl: the top-level STIX XML to HTML XSL Transform.
- stix_to_hmtl__customized.xsl: [not required] example of how to use the stix stylesheet and override the default title, header, footer, and css to customize the output.
- common.css: common css styles
- common.js: common javascript code
- common_top_level_tables.xsl: the xslt that produces the top level item tables (observables, TTPs, etc)
- cybox_common.xsl: common CybOX transformations used by stix_to_html.xsl.
- cybox_objects.xsl: cybox object-specific templates (primarily provides templates for objects that show up in cybox:Properties)
- cybox_objects__customized.xsl: recommended place for end users to add custom cybox templates without modifying core css files.
- cybox_util.xsl: commonly used functions
- icons.xsl: stylesheet code to read in the svg icons for the main item type logos
- *images/*.svg and .svgz: svg vector images for the main item type logos (the *.svg files are used and pulled in via the xsl and included in the output html inline)
- maec_common.xsl: maec specific xslt templates
- normalize.xsl: used by stix
- stix_common.xsl: common stix transformations used by stix_to_html.xsl.
- stix_objects.xsl: stix object-specific templates
- stix_objects__customized.xsl: recommended place for end users to add custom stix templates without modifying core css files.
- theme_default.css: css styles used for main item type background colors (observables, ttps, indicators, etc)
- wgxpath.install.js: xpath support in javascript for browsers that don't support it (IE) [source: http://code.google.com/p/wicked-good-xpath/]
In addition to the following summary, the wiki has more information and examples of how to customize stix-to-html at https://github.com/STIXProject/stix-to-html/wiki#customizing-the-stix-to-html-transform
In particular look at these two wiki pages:
The header, footer, title, and css can easily be customized.
NOTE: There is an example of customizing these elements in the git repo at stix-to-html/examples/examples-custom-title-header-footer-css.
Inside stix_to_html.xsl there are three corresponding named templates:
- customHeader
- customFooter
- customTitle
- customCss
The easiest and cleanest way to customize this is to create your own stylesheet, import stix_to_html.xsl, and then define your own named templates with the above names.
There is an example of this in stix_to_html__customized.xsl
The css that determines the color scheme for the main top level items (Observables, TTPs, Indicators, etc) is contained in theme_default.css. The colors are defined with css's hsl() color definitions. The general color can be tweaked by just adjusting the first parameter, the hue (which is specified in degrees and varies from 0-359). By adjusting the saturation and lightness, the darness or lightness can be adjusted.
There are also three stylesheet parameters that may be used to control the output. Each one is a boolean and can be passed in on the command-line or programatically.
NOTE: There is an example of passing in custom parameters in the git repo at stix-to-html/examples/examples-custom-stylesheet-parameters
Here are the three stylesheet parameters. Each one defaults to true except enablePreformattedDescriptions which defaults to false.
- includeFileMetadataHeader
- includeStixHeader
- displayConstraints
- enablePreformattedDescriptions
"includeFileMetadataHeader" determines if the header with the stix version, filename, and html generation date is going to be displayed.
"includeStixHeader" determines if the header table (generated from the stix:STIX_Header contents) is dislayed.
"displayContraints" determines if the contraint properties on cybox:Properties (and other similary formatted data elements) will be displayed. This includes such information what type of matching is performed (equals or string match).
"enablePreformattedDescriptions" should be used if the stix xml document has descriptions fields that are pre-formatted plain text where the line wrapping should be preserved.
- CybOX
- EmailMessageObjectType (commented-out example in cybox_objects.xsl)
- Hash (cybox_objects.xsl)
- HTTP_Request_Response (cybox_objects.xsl)
- [not really object-specific] any cybox:Properties text node with ##comma## delimited range or list (cybox_objects.xsl)
- Indicator
- Sighting (stix_objects.xsl)
- any description element in any namespace (stix_objects.xsl)
For more information, please refer to the LICENSE.txt file.