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migrate to AWS SDK v3 + dynamoDB, removed Suspense usage since it was…
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…n't working in favor of conditional renders, add useAbortController and getError functions, merge Default stack with Database stack
  • Loading branch information
SSTPIERRE2 committed Apr 1, 2024
1 parent 042d592 commit 0ea7c27
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Showing 40 changed files with 2,301 additions and 1,115 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion packages/core/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
"@types/node": "^20.10.8"
"dependencies": {
"@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb": "^3.540.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-rds-data": "^3.485.0",
"aws-sdk": "^2.1532.0",
"@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb": "^3.540.0",
"aws-sdk": "^2.1589.0",
"kysely": "^0.27.2",
"kysely-data-api": "^0.2.1",
"pg": "^8.11.3",
Expand Down
29 changes: 0 additions & 29 deletions packages/core/src/login.ts

This file was deleted.

292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions packages/core/src/post-dynamo.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
export * as Post from './post-dynamo';

import { ulid } from 'ulid';
import { DynamoDBClient } from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb';
import {
} from '@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb';

export interface Post {
id: string;
title: string;
slug: string;
abstract: string;
content: string;
views: number;
likes: number;
tags: string[];
isPublished: 1 | 0;
created: string;
publishedOn?: string;
updated?: string;

export type PublishedPost = Post & { isPublished: 1; publishedOn: string };

const client = new DynamoDBClient();
const docClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(client);

export type PostToCreate = Pick<
'title' | 'slug' | 'abstract' | 'content' | 'tags' | 'publishedOn' | 'updated'

export async function create(
tableName: string,
post: PostToCreate & { isPublished?: 1 | 0; views?: number; likes?: number },
) {
const id = ulid();
const command = new PutCommand({
TableName: tableName,
Item: {
isPublished: post.isPublished || 0,
views: post.views || 0,
likes: post.likes || 0,
created: new Date().toISOString(),

console.log(`Post - create`, command.input);

try {
await docClient.send(command);
console.log(`finished putting a Post...`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`caught an error while creating a Post`, err);

const created = await getById(tableName, id);
console.log(`created post`, created);

return created;

export async function getById(tableName: string, id: string) {
const command = new GetCommand({
TableName: tableName,
Key: {

console.log(`Post - getById - start`, command.input);

try {
const response = await docClient.send(command);
console.log(`Post - getById - response`, response);
return response['Item'];
} catch (err) {
console.log(`caught an error while getting a Post`, err);

export async function getBySlug(tableName: string, slug: string) {
const command = new QueryCommand({
TableName: tableName,
IndexName: 'SlugIndex',
KeyConditionExpression: 'slug = :slug',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':slug': slug,

console.log(`Post - getBySlug - start`, slug);

try {
const response = await docClient.send(command);
const result = response['Items'] || [];
console.log(`Post - getBySlug - response`, response.Count);

return result[0] as Post | undefined;
} catch (err) {
console.log(`caught an error while getting a Post`, err);

export async function getAllBySlugs(tableName: string, slugs: string[]) {
const promises: Promise<Post | undefined>[] = [];

console.log(`Post - getAllBySlugs`, slugs);

for (const slug of slugs) {
promises.push(getBySlug(tableName, slug));

const result = await Promise.all(promises);

console.log(`Post - getAllBySlugs - result`, result);

return result.filter((result) => !!result) as Post[];
// const slugFilter =, index) => {
// return `:slug${index}`;
// });
// const slugExpression = slugFilter.reduce((acc, curr, index) => {
// return {
// ...acc,
// [curr]: slugs[index],
// };
// }, {});
// const command = new ScanCommand({
// TableName: tableName,
// IndexName: 'SlugIndex',
// FilterExpression: `slug IN (${slugFilter.join(', ')})`,
// ExpressionAttributeValues: slugExpression,
// });

// try {
// const response = await docClient.send(command);
// console.log(`Post - getAllBySlugs - response`, response);
// return response['Items'] as Post[];
// } catch (err) {
// console.log(`caught an error while getting Posts by slugs`, err);
// return;
// }

export async function list(tableName: string) {
const command = new ScanCommand({
TableName: tableName,
const result = await docClient.send(command);

return result.Items || [];

export async function queryPublished(tableName: string, tag?: string) {
const command = new QueryCommand({
TableName: tableName,
IndexName: 'IsPublishedIndex',
KeyConditionExpression: 'isPublished = :val',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':val': 1,

const result = await docClient.send(command);
console.log(`queryPublished`, result.Count);

let posts = (result.Items || []) as PublishedPost[];

if (tag) {
posts = posts.filter((post) => post.tags.includes(tag));
console.log(`filtered posts by tag ${tag}...`);

(a, b) =>
new Date(b.publishedOn).getTime() - new Date(a.publishedOn).getTime(),

return posts;

export async function update(tableName: string, values: Partial<Post>) {
const { id, ...props } = values;
delete props.updated;
console.log(`Post - Update`);

const setStatement = Object.keys(props)
.map((key) => {
if (key === 'views') {
return `#views = :views`;
return `${key} = :${key}`;
.join(', ');
const UpdateExpression = `set ${setStatement}, updated = :updated`;
console.log(`UpdateExpression`, UpdateExpression);

const ExpressionAttributeValues: Record<string, unknown> = Object.keys(
).reduce((acc, curr) => {
return {
[`:${curr}`]: values[curr as keyof Post],
}, {});
ExpressionAttributeValues.updated = new Date().toISOString();
console.log(`ExpressionAttributeValues`, ExpressionAttributeValues);

const command = new UpdateCommand({
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#views': 'views',
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW',

try {
const response = await docClient.send(command);
console.log(`Post - update - response`, response);
return response;
} catch (err) {
console.log(`caught an error while updating a Post`, err);

export async function increment(
tableName: string,
id: string,
attribute: 'views' | 'likes',
) {
const command = new UpdateCommand({
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
UpdateExpression: 'ADD #cnt :val',
ExpressionAttributeNames: { '#cnt': attribute },
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':val': 1,
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW',
const response = await docClient.send(command);

console.log(`increment`, response);

return response?.Attributes?.[attribute] as number;

export async function deleteById(tableName: string, id: string) {
const deleteCommand = new DeleteCommand({
TableName: tableName,
Key: {

return await docClient.send(deleteCommand);

export async function deleteAll(tableName: string) {
const posts = await list(tableName);
console.log(`Post - deleteAll listed posts`, posts);

for (const post of posts) {
const deleteCommand = new DeleteCommand({
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
await docClient.send(deleteCommand);

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