Public source code for the popular (previously leaked) D2K5 Space Station 13 server D2Station, which operated from 2009 until 2013. D2Station was a semi-serious roleplay server with hilarious controversial features (think hellMOO).
"This is floor. You walk on it. If you're not walking on it you're likely either in space or on a segway, in either case, god help you."
- Full API system for XenForo, which allows you to use bdBank and Trophies as the banking and achievement system in-game. This also allowed server and character statistics to be stored on the website.
- Currency and banking system with a fully simulated economy and inflation.
- Shop/market integration which allowed users to choose which currency to buy items with.
- Advanced atmospheric airflow and pressure systems (thanks to Baystation 12 for the original code, thanks to Emyylii for the modifications).
- Reagent atmospherics WIP.
- Reagent temperatures, heating/cooling, hotplates, expiring food if not kept cold, improved cooking.
- Early gibbed/goonstation style map and features.
- Dismemberment and synthetic limbs (thanks Xerif).
- Advanced weapons and weapon construction system (thanks Nori/ChairChair).
- 50+ new chemicals, foods and drinks.
- Nicer looking UI and tweaks.
- Added various new sound effects and changed sound effects for existing things. Also added more ambience.
- Ability to respawn during extended rounds using in-game currency.
- Text-to-speech while wearing spacesuit helmets (moonbase alpha style).
- Ability to use cigarettes as a reagent container, allowing you to smoke any chemical.
- Segways and other forms of transport.
- Improved lighting system.
- Improved virology and science/research.
- Examining items/characters by clicking from a distance.
- Large amount of new hairstyles and clothing items.
- Ability to climb over certain objects.
- Emotes/actions in character right-click menu
- Improved health, atmos and power calculations.
- Large amounts of optimizations to the master controller and code in general.
- Improved reagent mixing system.
- New scanner interfaces which display full body damage and information.
- Emyylii - Reagent and atmospherics improvements, various code and master controller improvements, mapping.
- Nori/ChairChair - Reagent atmospherics, reagent temperatures, advanced weaponry and weapon construction, mapping.
- Xerif - Dismemberment system.
- Contributors: Soyuz (LordSlowpoke), Nernums, honeynutpenis, various others (if I forgot you, please contact me to be added!)
- goonstation - Original rev4407 source code.
- /tg/station13 - Various features which were ported.
- Baystation12 - Atmospherics, various other features.
Download: Latest Release
This source code is extremely out of date and unstable, it contains many server and game breaking exploits.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0.