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Several bugs dealt with, atmos is ready, science, hydrophonics, and some other stuff added.
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Domic2 committed Aug 15, 2020
1 parent ca3a1e9 commit 834898e
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Showing 15 changed files with 2,670 additions and 267 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions code/controllers/evacuation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
//modified evacuation_pods code, for the perseverance, some of the stuff might not be completely necessary
var/bsdrivestatus//I present to you, a global variable! It's a normal variable, except it's GLOBAL! Used to check and change the status of the bluespace drive
//-1 = busy/shutting down, 0 = not ready/maybe ready, 1 = slowmode, 2 = quickmode, 3 = activated (slowmode), 4 = activated (quickmode), 5 = shutdown (slowmode), 6 = shutdown (quickmode), 7 = destroyed
var/bsdelay//for changing the time needed for spoolup, used in, just like bsdrivestatus

#define EVAC_OPT_ABANDON_BSSHIP "abandon_ship"
#define EVAC_OPT_BS_JUMP "bluespace_jump"
Expand Down
288 changes: 211 additions & 77 deletions maps/perseverance/Perseverance_1.dmm

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

541 changes: 406 additions & 135 deletions maps/perseverance/Perseverance_2.dmm

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion maps/perseverance/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//Made by Domic(mapping, bad coding, spriting), additional credits to: Sibg (mapping) and DoctorDerp (spriting). If you have any questions or feedback, ping me on discord (Domic#7513)

#if !defined(using_map_DATUM)
#include ""
#include ""

#include ""
#include ""
Expand Down
43 changes: 39 additions & 4 deletions maps/perseverance/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,18 @@
req_access = list(access_XIV)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Chemistry"
icon_state = "chem"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_medical)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Robotics Workshop"
icon_state = "robotics"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_robotics)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Bathroom"
icon_state = "toilet"
Expand All @@ -70,6 +82,17 @@
icon_state = "shuttle"
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Hydroponics"
icon_state = "hydro"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_research)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Xenoflora Lab"
icon_state = "xeno_lab"
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

//cargo bay

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,12 +124,24 @@
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Atmospherics Air Injection"
icon_state = "atmos"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Atmospherics Filtering"
icon_state = "atmos"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Atmospherics Mixing"
icon_state = "atmos"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,25 +195,25 @@
name = "\improper Perseverance Bridge Storage"
icon_state = "quartstorage"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_bridge)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance Communications"
icon_state = "tcomsatcham"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_network)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance AI Chamber"
icon_state = "ai_foyer"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine, access_bridge)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

name = "\improper Perseverance AI Core"
icon_state = "ai_chamber"
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine)
req_access = list(access_XIV, access_engine, access_bridge)
sound_env = SMALL_ENCLOSED

Expand Down
1,088 changes: 1,088 additions & 0 deletions maps/perseverance/backup/Perseverance_1.dmm

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

729 changes: 729 additions & 0 deletions maps/perseverance/backup/Perseverance_2.dmm

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

108 changes: 91 additions & 17 deletions maps/perseverance/code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Lets see if copypaste makes it any easier (or at least less soul-sucking)
// Copy-pasting makes it easier (and less soul-sucking)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,18 @@ obj/machinery/access_button/airlock_interior/XIV/saft
//-------------------------TANK CONTROL-------------------------------

pressure_checks = 2
pressure_checks_default = 2
use_power = 1
internal_pressure_bound = 4000
internal_pressure_bound_default = 4000

stock_part_presets = list(
/decl/stock_part_preset/radio/receiver/vent_pump/tank = 1,
/decl/stock_part_preset/radio/event_transmitter/vent_pump/tank = 1
controlled = FALSE
external_pressure_bound = 0
external_pressure_bound_default = 0
icon_state = "map_vent_in"
Expand All @@ -198,17 +210,9 @@ obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/outlet_injector/XIV
icon_state = "map_injector"
use_power = 1

input_tag = "bluespacedrive_in"
output_tag = "bluespacedrive_out"
name = "Bluespace drive air control"
sensor_name = "Bluespace drive air sensor"
sensor_tag = "bluespacedrive_sensor"

build_path = /obj/machinery/computer/air_control/XIV/bluespacedrive
//BS drive

id_tag = "bluespacedrive_out"

Expand All @@ -217,18 +221,88 @@ obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/outlet_injector/XIV/bluespacedrive
id_tag = "bluespacedrive_sensor"

//xenoflora, containment unit

id_tag = "xenoflora_out"
use_power = 0

id = "xenoflora_in"

id_tag = "xenoflora_sensor"

//atmospherics, both air tanks

id_tag = "airtank1_out"
pump_direction = 0
use_power = 0//backup tank, best keep it closed for now

id = "airtank1_in"
volume_rate = 700
use_power = 0

id_tag = "airtank1_sensor"

id_tag = "airtank2_out"
pump_direction = 0

id = "airtank2_in"
volume_rate = 700

id_tag = "airtank2_sensor"

//--------------------VENTILATION SYSTEMS-----------------------------

use_power = 1
build_path = /obj/machinery/computer/air_control/XIV/ventilation

out_pressure_mode = 1

/obj/machinery/computer/air_control/XIV/ventilation/ui_interact(mob/user, ui_key = "main", var/datum/nanoui/ui = null, var/force_open = 1)
ui = SSnano.try_update_ui(user, src, ui_key, ui, data, force_open)
data["systemname"] = name
ui = new(user, src, ui_key, "ventcontrol.tmpl", data["systemname"], 800, 800)

pressure_checks = 1
pressure_checks_default = 1
use_power = 0//due to big power draw, best activated manually

icon_state = "map_vent_out"
external_pressure_bound = 1.2 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE
id_tag = "ventilation_in"
external_pressure_bound = 1.1 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE
external_pressure_bound_default = 1.1 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE
internal_pressure_bound_default = 1.1 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE//I can't believe this, but the consoles actually take this as the default pressure no matter if it's set to external or internal
use_power = 0

id_tag = "VI_Sensor"

pump_direction = 0
use_power = 1
icon_state = "map_vent_in"
external_pressure_bound = 0.8 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE
id_tag = "ventilation_out"
external_pressure_bound = 0.9 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE
external_pressure_bound_default = 0.9 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE
internal_pressure_bound_default = 1.1 * ONE_ATMOSPHERE

id_tag = "VO_Sensor"

//--------------------------FUEL MIXERS------------------------------

Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions maps/perseverance/code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
var/bsdrivestatus//I present to you, a global variable! It's a variable, except it's GLOBAL! Used in
//-1 = busy/shutting down, 0 = not ready/maybe ready, 1 = slowmode, 2 = quickmode, 3 = activated (slowmode), 4 = activated (quickmode), 5 = shutdown (slowmode), 6 = shutdown (quickmode), 7 = destroyed
var/bsdelay// used in its evac controller, for changing the time needed for spoolup

name = "Bluespace drive"
desc = "This complex device permits a safe entry into bluespace."
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions maps/perseverance/code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
icon = 'maps/perseverance/icons/clothes/XIVitem.dmi'
item_icons = list(slot_w_uniform_str = 'maps/perseverance/icons/clothes/XIVunder.dmi')
sprite_sheets = list(
SPECIES_UNATHI = 'maps/perseverance/icons/clothes/XIVunathi.dmi'

name = "xion jumpsuit"
desc = "A relatively protecive utility jumpsuit produced by Xion Industries."
icon_state = "xion"
item_state = "xion"
worn_state = "xionsuit_s"
siemens_coefficient = 0.8
armor = list(
Expand All @@ -17,10 +19,8 @@
name = "xion padded suit"
desc = "A special suit used by higher-ranking xion employees."
icon = 'maps/perseverance/icons/clothes/XIVunder.dmi'
icon_state = "manage"
item_state = "manage"
worn_state = "manage"
gender_icons = 1
icon_state = "manage_s"
worn_state = "manage_s"
armor = list(
Expand All @@ -29,4 +29,4 @@

name = "field physicians jumpsuit"
name = "field physician's jumpsuit"
24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions maps/perseverance/code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
//all the minor overrides and some new stuff

/decl/flooring/reinforced/redgrid//blackgrid is black instead of red and I have no idea why, but I'm not really willing to go diggin through this damned code to find out becauseIcouldntfinditafterafewhours
/decl/flooring/reinforced/redgrid//blackgrid is black instead of red despite its red sprite in the map editor, so here's something that's actually red
name = "processing strata"
icon = 'icons/turf/flooring/circuit.dmi'
icon_base = "rcircuit"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
door_color = COLOR_PALE_ORANGE
stripe_color = COLOR_BEASTY_BROWN

door_color = COLOR_WHITE
stripe_color = COLOR_BOTTLE_GREEN

name = "Ventilation Hatch"
stripe_color = COLOR_ORANGE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,10 +195,19 @@
req_access = list()

name = "refrigerator"
icon = 'icons/obj/closets/fridge.dmi'
closet_appearance = null
req_access = list()

initial_gas = list(GAS_OXYGEN = 3 * MOLES_O2ATMOS, GAS_NITROGEN = 3 * MOLES_N2ATMOS)

// This is for the multi-z gas tanks

initial_gas = list(GAS_OXYGEN = 3 * MOLES_O2ATMOS, GAS_NITROGEN = 3 * MOLES_N2ATMOS)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,4 +291,9 @@ obj/machinery/conveyor/XIV/scitoshuttle
id = "scitoshuttle"

id = "scitoshuttle"
id = "scitoshuttle"

volume_rate = 700
icon_state = "on"
use_power = 1
Binary file added maps/perseverance/icons/clothes/XIVunathi.dmi
Binary file not shown.

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