An implementation of the algorithm ADOPT
[1] to solve Distributed Constraints Optimization Problems(DCOPs) using the JADE
clone this repository:
git clone
go to repository path:
cd my/path/dcop-adopt
pull docker image:
sudo docker pull jefersonalves/dcop
run a docker container:
sudo docker run --name dcop -it -v $PWD:/dcop -p 1099:1099 jefersonalves/dcop bash
compile the code:
mvn compile
execute a dcop simulation based on the a.json
configuration file:
mvn exec:java -D exec.mainClass="jade.Boot" -D exec.args="-agents instantiator:agents.instantiator.InstantiatorAgent(./dcop-json-files/a.json)"
run all tests:
mvn test
run a single test:
mvn test -D test=GraphTest#IsNodeSizeCorrect_SholdReturnNumberOfNodesInTheGraph test
- Modi, P., Shen, W.-M., Tambe, M., & Yokoo, M. (2005). ADOPT: Asynchronous distributed constraint optimization with quality guarantees. Artificial Intelligence, 161(1–2), 149–180.