YTLiveStreaming is an open source iOS framework to create live broadcasts and video streams on YouTube using YouTube Live Streaming API (YouTube Data API v3)
- Xcode 13+
- Swift 5.0
First of all enable YouTube LIVE on your account.
Go to your Google account
Create a new application.
Go to the new application
Select Library
Select "YouTube Data API v3"
Select Credentials
Create Api key (API_KEY) ; In Key restriction select iOS, enter your iOS app bundle id; Save
Create Oauth 2.0 Cient ID (CLIENT_ID)
add three scopes for Google APIs: "", "", ""
fill Application Homepage link and Application Privacy Policy link. Submit for verification
as result you will have API_KEY and CLIENT_ID which will be used in Config.plist your iOS app later.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 1.1.0+ is required to build YTLiveStreaming
To integrate YTLiveStreaming into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '13.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'YTLiveStreaming'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
To integrate YTLiveStreaming package using Apple's Swift package manager
- open your Xcode project
- select File - Add packages...
- in the Apple Swift Packages screen select 'Search or Enter Package URL'
- enter
- make sure YTLiveStreaming is opened
- press 'Add Package'
- Xcode creates 'Package Pependencies' group with YTLiveStreaming package with last version
- open your Xcode project settings - PROJECT section on the Package Dependencies tab
- make sure the YTLiveStreaming package name is presented there
[YouTube Live Streaming API Reference](
import YTLiveStreaming
let input: YTLiveStreaming = YTLiveStreaming
// Get broadcasts list
let broadcastList = await input.getBroadcastListAsync()
// Get all events in different arrays of the LiveBroadcastStreamModel type
input.getAllBroadcasts(){ (upcomingEvents, liveNowEvents, completedEvents) in
// Get events separately:
// Get Ready to broadcast events
input.getUpcomingBroadcasts() { result in
switch result {
case .success(let upcomingEvents):
case .failure(let error):
// Get Live now broadcasts
input.getLiveNowBroadcasts() ( result in
switch result {
case .success(let liveNowEvents):
case .failure(let error):
// Get Completed broadcasts
input.getCompletedBroadcasts() ( result in
switch result {
case .success(let completedEvents):
case .failure(let error):
// Create Broadcast
input.createBroadcast(title, description: description, startTime: startDate, completion: { liveBroadcast in
if let liveBroadcast = liveBroadcast {
// Update of the existing broadcast: LiveBroadcastStreamModel
input.updateBroadcast(broadcast, completion: { success in
if success {
// Start broadcast streaming video
input.startBroadcast(broadcast, delegate: self, completion: { streamName, streamUrl, _ in
if let streamName = streamName, let streamUrl = streamUrl {
completion(streamUrl, streamName)
// Finish broadcast streaming video
input.completeBroadcast(broadcast, completion: { success in
if success {
// Delete all broadcast from the USER's account
if await input.deleteAllBroadcastsAsync() {
// all broadcasts are deleted
// Delete broadcasts by IDs
if await input.deleteBroadcastsAsync(broadcastIDs) {
// all broadcasts by IDs are deleted
// Delete broadcast by ID
input.deleteBroadcast(id: broadcastId, completion: { success in
if success {
And some other public methods of the YTLiveStreaming class
LiveEvents is an example of using the framework
- SwiftyJSON
- Moya
- KeychainAccess
Note. Here were used the following things:
- Podspec ( )
- Swiftlint
- Xcode unit tests
- Objective-C + Swift code example
The project was created 11-11-2016
Changes history: 27.12.2022
- added async function to get broadcasts list
- added async functions for deleting broadcasts 24.12.2022
- build 0.2.36
- create new public structure PostLiveBroadcastBody as insert broadcast request body 20-12-2022
- build 0.2.29
- update the project structure
- add methods descriptions 19-12-2022
- build 0.2.28
- up to date all data structures
- add descriptions for fields, requests, responses 25-07-2022
- build 0.2.27 16-07-2022
- build 0.2.26
- package.swift was added 08-07-2022 Add ability to integrate the framework as a package 29-06-2022 Example project (LiveEvents) was removed from the project into a separate repo 14-06-2022
- added Combine based method apart from RxSwift publisher subject to handle Google Sign-in results;
- updated Google Sign-In according actual framework version;
- implemented Google SignIn screen with using SwiftUI. 18-05-2021
- added SwuftUI based content view for the YouTube video player 04-05-2021
- added youtube-ios-player-helper as an video player
- added Xcode unit test 15-03-2021
- added Swiftlint
- fixed Swiftlint warnings
- Sample app was renamed to LiveEvents 29-04-2020
- build 0.2.17
- Sample app was redesigned
- GoogleSignIn (used in the Sample app): up to 5.0.2