Sample application to demonstrate how to use smart-id-java-client library and implement:
- authentication with Smart-ID
- fetching the signing certificate and signing a document with Smart-ID using Digidoc4j library
Option 1: ./mvnw spring-boot:run
Option 2. run main method of SmartIdJavaDemoApplication
Start the application, open http://localhost:8081/ and authenticate or sign a document using test persons.
You need to register demo smart-id (And Testflight app if you have an IOS phone)
For real-life use case you need to change in class SmartIdSignatureServiceImpl
in method sendSignatureRequest
the following line (constructor parameter needs to be PROD):
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.Mode.PROD);
You also need to create your own Trust Store (or two separate Trust Stores) and only import the certificates you trust:
- SSL certificate of SK Smart-ID API endpoint.
- Smart-ID root certificates (to validate that the returned certificate is issued by SK).
- For this you need to import tests certificates into sid.trusted_root_certs.p12
- TEST_of_EID-SK_2016.pem.crt
- TEST_of_NQ-SK_2016.pem.crt
- TEST_of_SK_ID_Solutions_EID-Q_2024E.pem.crt
- TEST_EID-NQ_2021E.pem.crt
- For this you need to import tests certificates into sid.trusted_root_certs.p12
This application only connects to servers it trusts. That is the SSL cert of the server must be imported into file src/main/resources/sid.trusted_server_certs.p12.
If you change this application to connect to some other server (or if the SSL cert of the demo server has expired and replaced with new one) then you need to import server's cert into the trust store.
More info how to do this can be found from smart-id-java-clientdocumentation.
Demo application has two separate trust stores:
- sid.trusted_server_certs.p12 holds SSL certificates of servers it trusts
- sid.trusted_root_certs.p12 holds all Smart-ID root certificates of Smart-ID test chain
Next section shows how these two trust stores were created and with instructions how to create similar trust stores for production.
NB! Avoid placing certificates from production chain and test chain into the same trust store. Create separate trust stores for each environment of your application and only import certificates needed for that specific environment.
Without following step one would not be able to connect to Demo API server:
- import demo env API endpoint SSL root certificate.
- Note that for demo we have imported ROOT certificate (DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1) from the chain. Importing root certificate is not recommended for production.
keytool -importcert -storetype PKCS12 -keystore sid.trusted_server_certs.p12 \ -storepass changeit -alias sidDemoServerRootCert -file demo_root_cert.crt -noprompt
First we create a trust store and import one of two test root certifices. Without following this step you can't use any of the test users provided here
Commands to import demo env root certificates:
keytool -importcert -storetype PKCS12 -keystore sid.trusted_root_certs.p12 \
-storepass changeit -alias "TEST_of_EID-SK_2016" -file TEST_of_EID-SK_2016.pem.crt -noprompt
keytool -importcert -storetype PKCS12 -keystore sid.trusted_root_certs.p12 \
-storepass changeit -alias "TEST_of_NQ-SK_2016" -file TEST_of_NQ-SK_2016.pem.crt -noprompt
keytool -importcert -storetype PKCS12 -keystore sid.trusted_root_certs.p12 \
-storepass changeit -alias "TEST_of_SK_ID_Solutions_EID-Q_2024E" -file TEST_of_SK_ID_Solutions_EID-Q_2024E.pem.crt -noprompt
keytool -importcert -storetype PKCS12 -keystore sid.trusted_root_certs.p12 \
-storepass changeit -alias "TEST_EID-NQ_2021E" -file TEST_EID-NQ_2021E.pem.crt -noprompt