I have working on Product Based Startup from Past 4 Months.I am Full Stack Developer with Knowledge of React in Frontend and Java Backend Developer. I have worked on 3 Month Startup where I worked on React,Material Ui,Node.js ,Express,My Sql,Php Admin. I have 6 Months of Work Experience in Fintech Startup with Java Backend Developer. I am also proficient in Elastic Search, Kafka, Kibana, Logstash,Junit ,Jira, Git,Microservice,Rest Api,Soap Api,Mysql. I have graduated with B. Tech from Haldia Institute Of Technology in Information Technology with an aggregate DGPA OF 8.77. I have also prepared for the GATE exam in my final year so I have good knowledge of Computer Science Core Subjects like Operating System, DBMS, Digital Electronics.
I am an aspiring Full Stack Developer and Java Backend Developer , likes to adapt to new technologies that come up in the way. I would love to work in a competitive environment where we talk about new innovations every now and then.
👯 Other interests
I like playing Chess🃏 ,reading books,Watching Ted Talk & solving puzzles🧩.
💬 Want to know more about me?
You can find my work on my Portfolio.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on MERN
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on exciting projects with intellectual people.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 📫 My Portfolio: https://sarvesh-kumar-sharma-portfolio-sarveshsharma-sks.vercel.app/
- 📫 My Resume: View PDF
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;