SAMMI 2025.1.0 (Janurary 2025)
[SAMMI Core]
New Features:
Added partial gamepad support (currently only XInput) [Landie]
Added "Gamepad" trigger [Landie]
Added "HTTP Download File" command [Landie]
Added "Twitch Channel Information Updated" trigger [Chrizzz]
Added "is_golden_kappa_train" pull value to Started, Progress, and Ended Hype Train triggers [Landie]
Added "started_at" pull value to Started, Progress, and Ended Hype Train triggers [Landie]
Added File Drop into window support [Landie]
Added ability to drag and drop .sef files into the window to install extensions [Landie]
Added ability to drag and drop .txt and .json files containing deck data into the main menu window to paste deck data [Landie]
Added ability to drag and drop .txt and .json files containing button data into a deck editor window to paste button data [Landie]
Added "Timeout Default" to settings, allowing you to change the default timeout on various commands upon creation [Landie]
Added "Disable Gamepads" to settings, allowing you to disable the processing of any connected gamepads if desired [Landie]
Twitch channel point redeems are now automatically refreshed when the trigger menu for a button contains at least one redeem trigger [Landie]
Rewrote how popup menus are interacted with in the trigger menu internally [Landie]
Renamed references to "Init/Initial" Variables to "Default" to not confuse with "Initialize" [Landie]
Renamed command "Reinitialize Button Variables" to "Reinitialize Default Variables" for command accuracy [Landie]
New Patch Notes! You're Lookin' at it! [Digi]
Extension Installation is now ~100% faster [Landie]
Improve button import error handling consistency [Landie]
Increased default timeout on various commands from 1000ms to 3000ms [Landie]
Improve deck install error handling consistency [Landie]
Settings Menu has scroll functionality! [Digi]
UI Changes:
Language Button in settings now matches current Aesthetics [Digi]
Removed Features:
Deprecated "File: Start Download" in favor of new "HTTP Download File" command [Landie]
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a critical issue which allowed Twitch chat to impersonate other User IDs [Landie]
Fixed an issue where buttons set with legacy switch deck settings were still being sent to deck apps [Landie]
Fixed an issue where the about menu SAMMI face would sometimes disappear (so important) [Landie]
Fixed an issue where disconnecting from a Deck App would sometimes not remove it from the global deck_app_connections array [Landie]
Fixed an issue where getting your LAN IP would fail on newer versions of Windows 11 [Landie]
Fixed an issue where third-party Twitch chat clients were skipping "Twitch Chat Message" triggers every other same message [Landie]
Fixed a memory leak when triggering a button via Local API [Landie]
Fixed a memory leak when triggering an Extension Trigger via bridge [Landie]
Fixed a memory leak in the triggers menu when repeatedly opening the list [Landie]
Fixed infinite loop in About window, causing input boxes to get hijacked while offline [Landie]
Scroll Wheel Fix on certain Windows [Digi]
Discord and Patreon Buttons work on Main [Digi]
Grey Windows No longer flash when unfocused [Digi]
Scroll Bar on Default Var Window No longer obscured [Digi]
Button to Allow Default Variables in Default Var window Centered [Digi]
Side Buttons in Settings follow Language as they should. [Digi]
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