An assignment for street of code java tutorial
- Clone git repository with your IDE - or
- Download zip and open it in your IDE
- Run Main.class in src/main/java/
- To select a quiz, simply input the number preceding the quiz's name (A list of quizzes will be printed)
- Enter your answers into the console using a single letter(e.g., 'a', 'A', 'b', etc.) - without using quotation marks
- In cases where there are multiple correct answers(which will be announced after each question), input them all in one line(e.g., 'abc', 'aCb','a b d', etc.) - without using quotation marks
- It's important to enter the exact number of answers for questions with multiple correct responses; otherwise, your answer will be considered incorrect
- Quizzes are dynamically retrieved from the quizDb.json file
- Invalid inputs are not accepted; you will receive notifications after each incorrect entry
- You have the option to select a quiz randomly
- Questions and answers are shuffled before the start of each quiz
- To include a new quiz, question, or answer, simply append it to the quizDb.json file. No modifications are necessary in the code, as everything is dynamically configured
- A question can have a maximum of 5 answers; otherwise, any additional answers will not be shown.
- Remove unnecessary empty correctAnswers array in quizDb.json