Koriki v1.4
Updates in version 1.4:
NOTE2: Added real time fixed update patch, and added rumble suport to Goodboy Galaxy in gpsp plus and mgba plus cores.
NOTE: Added update day 0, this fixed ghost key volumedown in pico8 and add the fullscreen combokey in this emulator.
Added native pico8 emulator and pico8 store (you need buy and download the pico8.dat and pico8_dyn from https://www.lexaloffle.com/games.php?page=updates for rpi 32bits), thank to XK from onion team for the adapter sdl2 code https://github.com/XK9274/sdl2_miyoo/tree/pico8.
Added Drastic v1.6 emulator (Thanks to Steward-fu https://github.com/steward-fu/archives).
Fixed volume keys in OpenBON and add to CFW (Thanks to Steward-fu https://github.com/steward-fu/archives).
Added 10 custom videos to display when turning on the console (GB-BLACK, GB_ORIGINAL, GBA, GBC, GBC_BLACK, GBP, KORIKI, PICO8, SEGA and v1.4).
Added a new wifi icon in all themes. Now when you activate Wi-Fi you will see it on all Koriki menu screens (section menu, system selection and gamelist).
Updated the battery icon in all ATC themes. In addition to the battery icon there is a numerical counter that better shows the charge level. Now there are 10 levels so the percentage will decrease by 10 and will also be visible in all Koriki menus (section menu, system selection and gamelist).
Updated the battery icon in the rest of the themes, customizing them according to the theme itself.
Added wifi icon to the rest of the themes.
Relocation of the game counter in all ATC themes.
Updated the gamelist of the "ATC KORIKI" theme.
Added the "ATC POKEMON" theme.
New battery charging animation (having previously turned off the console).
Added v4 model support.
Added 3 levels more of volume, this fix the low volume level with headphones.
Added volume control combo for MM model, specially for port or standalone emulator for get the volume level 23 (select + dpad left or right).
Added brightness control combo for MMP model in menu + volume keys.
Simplemenu now support music background player and autooff screen time.
Simplemenu now support realtime changes in settings screen.
Add app for convert mp3 music to music for simplemenu.
Added Video player with autoset relation aspect way commander app, only you need a mp4 video with acc audio and size screen between 640 and 480.
Added Retro Music player (GME) way commander app.
GME now show the title and info tracks on the screen.
Rebuild GMU, now this support music network way m3u with the link source.
Fixed GMU in MMP model, the volume control now with volume keys for system control or with L2/R2 for aplication control..
Added Pokemon netplay support with TGBdual (see steps).
Updated Retroarch to the last version.
Optimized psx and cps3 speeds in Retroarch.
Added key combo for force close retroarch (press "Menu + L2 + R2 + Start + Select" to same time)
Wifi app now has time limit (30s) for connect to the wifi (this only work with 2,4Hz wifi signal for hardware limitation).
Now the console sets the Time (utc) when connecting to the internet. It can then be adjusted to local time (TZ) in the CLOCK application.
New updated cores.
Low battery warning when it reaches 10% turning off when it goes below 1% to avoid corruption of sd.
Updated and rebuild libraries system for optimizations. (SDL for example)
Rewritten audiofix logical control.
Rewritten volume logical control.
Rewritten adhoc configuration.
Rewritten combo keys configuration.
Rewritten sleepmode, now all apps go into pause.
Controls in Koriki:
Start Opens the settings screen, from here you can (and should) turn off the console by pressing Shutdown, change the Theme, and other system options, especially in the System-Screen section where you can change the Lumination values , Hue, Saturation and Contrast
Select ROM Options. Allows you to select autostart and emulator (if several have been defined in the system)
In Simplemenu:
Up: Select previous game/section/group
Down: Select next game/section/group
Left: Jumps to the next page of the current section
Right: Jumps to the previous page of the current section
R1: Toggle between game list or full screen mode
R2: Refreshes the list of games of the current system (in case you have added new games with the frontend running)
A: Open the selected game or application
B: go back
X: In the game lists, marks the selected one as a favorite; in the Favorites view delete the game from the list
Y: Opens the Favorites selection
B + Left: Moves the list of games to the previous letter
B + Right: Moves the game list to the next letter
B + Up: Switch to the previous system without displaying the logo
B + Down: Switches to the next system without displaying the logo
B + Select: Open a random game from the current system
B + X: Deletes the current game WITHOUT REQUESTING CONFIRMATION; does not work in the Favorites, Apps or Games sections
In Retroarch and Simplemenu:
Menu + dpad up and down: Adjusts the brightness both in the main menu and within the games (in MM and MMP)
Menu + vol+ and vol-: Adjusts the brightness both in the main menu and within the games (only in MMP)
Menu + dpad left and right: Adjusts the volume both in the main menu and within the games (only in MM for headphones)
Menu + L2 + R2 + Start + Select: Force close retroarch.
In other apps:
Select + dpad up and down: Adjusts the brightness in the game/app (in MM and MMP)
Select + vol+ and vol-: Adjusts the brightness in the game/app (only in MMP)
Select + dpad left and right: Adjusts the volume in the game/app (only in MM for headphones)
Options on the settings screen (giving Start):
Session: here you can shut down (or restart only on the Plus) the console
Theme: here you can change the theme among the 15 included
Appearance: here you can change the display options of the rom names
System: Here you can change the volume, the brightness, the speed of the console, put the audiofix on and off, and change the screen settings
Help: a summary of how to use simplemenu
The button shortcuts in the games on RetroArch are the following, with the menu button being enabled as a Hotkey:
Menu + A: Pause
Menu + B: Fast Forward (recommended not to use on PS1, may cause performance issues)
Menu + Y: Reset
Menu + X: Menu Retroarch
Menu + L1: Load Savestate
Menu + R1: Record Savestate
Menu + L2: Advance Savestate slot
Menu + R2: Go back Savestate slot
Menu + Start: Exit the game
Menu + L2 + R2 + Start + Select: Force close retroarch.
Extra shortcuts for certain systems:
GB: With R2 and L2 the color palette alternates
GBA: With R2 the game speeds up
R2: The configuration menu opens, allowing you to change the switches or activate cheats, among other options.
Neo Geo and Neo Geo CD:
A+B+C: You have to press the Universal Bios screen, you can change the region, BIOS settings and other options.
Select + Start or Start + A + B + C: Accesse
s the in-game menu where cheats can be activated.
Start for a few seconds: The game's switch menu is accessed (this is only for Neo Geo).
Power Button:
Short press power key: enter in sleep mode.
Long press power key: shutdown the console.
just format a microsd in fat32 without label and unzip the zip file in the root of it.
For update the Retroarch cores you can download this from:
steps to play pokemon gamelink
1. each player will decide who is player 1 or 2, player 1 enters to choose the option of the rom
(in simple menu pressing select), tgb_dual_libretro_server, player 2 will have to choose the
option tgb_dual_libretro_client.
2. Once the rom is loaded, we enter the retroarch menu and do the following:
NOTE: These steps have to do each player in their console, taking into account who is going to be the Player1 and the Player2.
2.1 - In the main menu we choose subsystem.
2.2 - 2 player gamelink
2.3 - load the rom for player 1
2.4 - we enter subsystem again
2.5 - 2 player gamelink
2.6 - load the rom for player 2
2.7 - we enter subsystem again
2.8 - 2 player gamelink
3. retroarch will return to the game with the roms loaded, we enter the retroarch menu again to now load the network:
- Player 1 will be the one who creates the network host and the room.
- player 2 will be the one to enter the host created by player 1
4. enjoy.
how to define time zone:
To define the time zone we must go to the clock application, you will see that at the end of the whole the new element TZ has been established, we simply select the desired value there until the time is correct and press START to save the changes (it is not established in the hour digit, one thing is the time and another thing is the time zone, that's why the new element TZ), then we must restart the console so that the changes are permanent. In this way, from now on, every time the console connects to the internet, the correct time will be set.
game music emulator support to dingux commander.
select the file from dingux commander explorer.
Button Left/Right Change track
Button Up/Down Volumen
Button A Pause/unpause
Button B Normal/slight stereo echo/more stereo echo
Button Y Enable/disable accurate emulation
Button X Toggle track looping (infinite playback)
Button R1/L1 Adjust tempo
Button Select Reset tempo and turn channels back on
Button Menu exit/close
Button Start Toggle echo processing
* AY ZX Spectrum/Amstrad CPC
* GBS Nintendo Game Boy
* GYM Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
* HES NEC TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine
* KSS MSX Home Computer/other Z80 systems (doesn't support FM sound)
* NSF/NSFE Nintendo NES/Famicom (with VRC 6, Namco 106, and FME-7 sound)
* SAP Atari systems using POKEY sound chip
* SPC/RSN Super Nintendo/Super Famicom
* VGM/VGZ Sega Master System/Mark III, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, BBC Micro
video player support to dingux commander.
select the file from dingux commander explorer.
Drastic controls:
- in the game:
* R2 Swap screen
* L2 Change Keypad mode / Stylus mode
* SELECT + R1 Fast forward
* SELECT + R2 Quick save state
* SELECT + L2 Quick load state
* SELECT + L1 Exit DraStic emulator
* SELECT + START Enter the customized menu
- In the customized menu:
* UP / DOWN Select item
* LEFT / RIGHT Change setting
* B Apply changes and then exit
- In Keypad mode:
* MENU Enter DraStic’s menu
* SELECT + A Alternate display mode
* SELECT + B Change filter (blur or pixel)
* SELECT + Y Change wallpaper
- In Stylus mode:
* DPAD Move the stylus pen
* A Touch screen
* SELECT + Y Change stylus pen
* SELECT + UP Show the stylus pen on screen 1
* SELECT + DOWN Show the stylus pen on screen 0
- How to swap L1 and L2 keys ?
Change the value of swap_l1l2 in resources/settings.json file to 0 or 1.
- How to swap R1 and R2 keys ?
Change the value of swap_r1r2 in resources/settings.json file to 0 or 1.
the max cpuclock overclock in drastic is 1600Mhz in MMP and 1500Mhz in MM.
Pico8 and Pico8 store controls:
* SELECT + Dpad Up : up cpu speed.
* SELECT + Dpad Up : down cpu speed.
* SELECT + Dpad right or left: change border cover.
* SELECT + MENU: force exit of the app.
* SELECT + R1: change to fullscreen
- In the store:
* START : Show menu options over select item.
* L1 : Jump list Cards up.
* R1 : Jump list Cards down.
* L2 : Enable/disable mouse.
* R2 : Show shutdown (exit) menu.
- In the game from store:
* B / X : Button O.
* A / Y : Button X.
* R2 / START : Show menu options.
* L2 : Enable/disable mouse.
- In the game from simplemenu list:
* B / X : Button O.
* A / Y : Button X.
* START : Show menu options.
* L2 : Enable/disable mouse.
* R2 : Enter in terminal