This github repo contains some of the materials used for teaching Bootstrap, Jackknife and other resampling methods (6 contact hours as part of a 5 ECTS Sophister class in Trinity College Dublin, 2005 & 2007). Beamer slides are provided as tex files and the resulting PDF RzDBootstrap.pdf is also available.
Please cite the following if you find any of these materials useful:
Bootstrap, Jackknife and other resampling methods.
Rozenn Dahyot, Lecturenotes Trinity College Dublin 2007.
( DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10636834
- Definitions and Problems
- Non-Parametric Bootstrap
- Parametric Bootstrap
- Jackknife
- Permutation tests
- Cross-validation
With Miktex installed, in the (Windows) command prompt type:
pdflatex RzDBootstrap