This project was tested with
- python 3.6.1, version >= 3.0 should work
- matplotlib, used for plotting images/meshes/etc
- scipy, used for the Delaunay triangulation
- numpy, used for most calculations
- pillow, used to load the image files
The included code is broken up into the following files
-, the entrance point, handles argument parsing/showing results
-, code to load an image file, selecting points on the mesh
-, Handles saving/loading meshes, performs the actual mesh/image interpolation
-, misc other code
The most basic usage is
- python --image1 SRCFILE --image2 DSTFILE
Loads the file given by SRCFILE/DSTFILE and looks for corresponding mesh files by the name of srcname.mesh where SRCFILE = srcname.(jpg|png|...). If no mesh file is found it prompts the user to draw points on the image. Once this is done it will output the (default) 5 internal points and end points for the interpolation.
Meshes for each phase of interpolation can be shown if --show-mesh is specified. This will also plot the mesh points on the image
In order to update an existing mesh, the --update-mesh param can be used
The number of internal points can be changed by specifying --internal-points=N
Specifying --save-files will cause all plots of images/meshes to be saved
A number of test files are included
obama.jpg, the face of President Obama
obama.mesh, a mesh of the face of Obama, uses 40 points on the face
trump.jpg, the face of President Trump
trump.mesh, a mesh of the face of Trump, order matches with the mesh of Obama
orange.jpg, a picture of a slice of an orange
orange.mesh, a mesh of the orange with mesh points done in concentric circles
orange_face.jpg, the same picture as orange.jpg
orange_face.mesh, a mesh of the orange with points matching with the Obama/Trump mesh
obama_warp0.png/trump_warp1.png, the warped faces corresponding to obama/trump.jpg with alpha=0/1 respectively