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SeedCrackerX [Github All Releases]

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Download and install the fabric mod loader

Download the lastest release or pre-release of SeedCrackerX

put the .jar files in your mod directory, either %appdata%/.minecraft/mods/ folder for the vanilla launcher or your own MultiMC instance folder.


Download the lastest release of Multiconnect to connect to servers on lower MC versions


Since the mod is used by many people I decided to create a google spreet for server seeds. If you enable the database option in the config gui the mod will send cracked seeds from 10+ player servers directly to the google sheet.

The Sheet


1.17.X and below

Run around in the world until the mod finds a dungeon. After the mod found one the cracking process starts automatically. If it doesn't give you a world seed you may want to find another dungeon.

This mod also supports cracking the seed via:

1.18.X and potentially future versions

Dungeon cracking, fungus cracking don't work anymore.

Go to the config menu via "/seed gui" and make sure that Emeralds, Gateways, Biomes, Desert wells and Warped fungi are disabled since they arent updated and can give wrong data.

For cracking you now need to find 5 structures from the listed ones:
Desert pyramids, Jungle temples, Witch huts, Shipwrecks, Igloos, Pillager Outposts

Any combination is valid. For example: 3 shipwrecks, 1 pyramid and 1 igloo. You can track you process with "/seed data bits" (look at the bits count for liftable structures) A structure is found when there is an outline around it. After you got enough the cracking process starts automatically. It takes 1-5 mins The mod may ask you to find additional structures after this. Its more likely to happen with less bits and structures of the same type. After reducing your structure seeds the mod will brute force your world seed via dungeon positions or hashed seed.

Supported Structures

- Ocean Monument
- End City
- Buried Treasure
- Desert Pyramid
- Jungle Temple
- Swamp Hut
- Shipwreck
- Igloo
- Pillager Outpost

Supported Decorators

- Dungeon
- End Gateway
- Desert Well
- Emerald Ore
- Warped Fungus


GUI Command

  • /seed gui

Opens the config gui where you can modify settings like the server mc-version, all finders, database and rendermode. There are command alternatives for most of this but they shouldnt be used anymore.

Finder Reload Command

  • /seed finder reload

Rescans the loaded Chunks to find structures that werent found before.

Data Command

  • /seed data clear

Clears all the collected data without requiring a relog. This is useful for multi-world servers.

  • /seed data bits

Display how many bits of information have been collected. Normal bits are used for end pillar + structure cracking. Cracking starts at 32 bits. Lifting bits are used for liftable structure cracking. Cracking starts at 40 bits.

  • /seed data restore

When you leave a world the mod will save currently collected structure information in a file of the .minecraft/config directory. After rejoining you can restore it with this command.

Debug Command

  • /seed cracker debug

Additional info is shown

Database Command

  • /seed database

Opens a google sheet that is maintained by the mod

Video Tutorials



Setting up the Workspace

-Clone the repository.

-Run gradlew genSources <idea|eclipse>.

Building the Mod

-Update the version in build.gradle and fabric.mod.json.

-Run gradlew build.

API for other mods

  • Include seedcracker-api and jitpack in your build.gradle

    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
    dependencies {
        implementation (include('com.github.19MisterX98.SeedcrackerX:seedcrackerx-api:master-SNAPSHOT')) {transitive = false}
  • Add a class that implements the api interface

    package misterx.myMod.seedManagemnet.SeedCrackerEP
    import kaptainwutax.seedcrackerX.api.SeedCrackerAPI;
    public class SeedCrackerEP implements SeedCrackerAPI {
        public void pushWorldSeed(long seed) {
            //do something
  • Tell fabric.mod.json where your entrypoint is

    "entrypoints": {
      "main": [...],
      "client": [...],
      "server": [...],
      "seedcrackerx": [


KaptainWutax - Author

neil - Video Tutorial

Nekzuris - README

19MisterX98 - Author of this fork


No description, website, or topics provided.







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