For the first milestone in the process of creating my portfolio website, I will set up a new repository and prepare it for development using best practices (e.g. linters). I will also build the first 2 sections of the mobile website using the template I chose in FIGMA. For the second milestone in building my portfolio website, I will create the mobile website section where I will list my portfolio projects. For the third milestone of my portfolio website, I will add a contact form to my portfolio. I will also make sure that I guide my users' experience in a way that helps them fill in the form without frustration. For the fourth milestone in my portfolio website, I will use media queries to make sure that your website displays correctly on desktop screens. For the fifth milestone I will make my website available online. For the sixth milestone I will implemenent some features on the the mobile hamburger menu For the seventh milestone I will implement a popup window that includes the project details in both desktop and mobile. In order to do that, I will need to store the information about my projects in a JavaScript object. For the eighth milestone I will implement a client-side validation of the data in the contact form before submission.
- Live Site URL: see live demo
- Languages used HTML, CSS, Javascript.
- Technologies used Github, Git, VSCode.
👤 Author1
- GitHub: @RodChak
- Twitter: @RodneyChaks
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
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- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.