Releases: RocketSurgeonsGuild/Azure
Releases · RocketSurgeonsGuild/Azure
As part of this release we had 4 issues closed.
📦 dependenciess
- #43 Bump Rocket.Surgery.Reactive.Extensions from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- #40 Bump Rocket.Surgery.Extensions from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- #39 Bump Rocket.Surgery.Build.Metadata from 3.3.10 to 3.3.11
- #37 Bump Rocket.Surgery.Linq.Extensions from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- 8284c98 Updated common files
- fe21b7b Updated azure pipelines
- 513543e Updated to the latest packages for all the things! +semver:major
- 99621c9 Updated to the latest packages for all the things!
- fa74c09 wip
- 9f39dcf Updated NuGet.config
- 33f050c Updated deps
- 533ab5f Updated build netstandard version
- 032aa83 Updated pipeslines
- d3f8496 Updated config
See More
- 3ec46a3 Updated deps
- 96d71b5 Merge pull request #37 from RocketSurgeonsGuild/dependabot/nuget/Rocket.Surgery.Linq.Extensions-1.0.6
- 0369710 Bump Rocket.Surgery.Linq.Extensions from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- cb57e39 Merge pull request #43 from RocketSurgeonsGuild/dependabot/nuget/Rocket.Surgery.Reactive.Extensions-1.0.6
- bf2babc Updated azure piplines for batching
- 121b290 Updated azure piplines for batching
- 0b6bdfe Merge pull request #40 from RocketSurgeonsGuild/dependabot/nuget/Rocket.Surgery.Extensions-1.0.6
- 1487ff2 Merge pull request #39 from RocketSurgeonsGuild/dependabot/nuget/Rocket.Surgery.Build.Metadata-3.3.11
- fc1525f Updated coverage settings
- 799f91a Bump Rocket.Surgery.Reactive.Extensions from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- f90cbff Bump Rocket.Surgery.Extensions from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- d66f4f8 Bump Rocket.Surgery.Build.Metadata from 3.3.10 to 3.3.11
- fdd7192 Updated core package metadata
- 61b60ca Updated to latest test library
- 349e9c3 Updated deps
- 13a7623 Updated deps
- cb3b5f3 Updated deps
- d8504ae Updated nuke build
- 0e7d805 Updated depdendencies
- c309f7b Updated deps
- 1beb0ab Updated to latest conventions
- caab076 Updated to preview8
- 3459ddf Updated to preview8
- a740ea8 Added Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies
- b4904fc Updated build
- 743b36c Updated deps
- 6984d9c Updated deps
- 2ee6d85 Updated azure pipelines
- 441e85c Updated azure pipelines
- 537be6b Updated versions to dotnet core 3.
- 4a02a32 Updated readme and deps
- e8f3971 Updated build tooling and readme
- 82d8eb4 Updated to latest azure pipelines
- 0a3bdb0 Updated to latest azure pipelines
- d3e8e2f Updated .editorconfig
- d9d1e32 Updated nuke build
- c41e9e3 Updated appveyor
- 3d0082e Updated build and pipelines def
- 920354f Added coverlet coverage collector (not working on preview 6 yet)
- 6de3670 Updated solution
- f74124c fix file casing goof
- 35d6d77 file casing goof
- 26897e5 Updates deps
- ee86d68 removed functions +semver:major
- 664dbb0 fixed unit tests
- 6d25f85 Added context filters for support for on start on end, on exception handlers
- 412800e bump .net sdk version
- db0de41 fixed sample
- 14e61ff Change around the azure hosting method to be able to add conventions +semver:major
- 682e31d Updated pipeline and build script
- 5aef51f global tools work now...
- 5b65241 Updated cake script
- 7e8a8e2 Updated azure bits +semver:minor
- 3e93ee7 Updated other bits +semver:minor
- e098479 Merge branch 'master' of
- 8da75a6 Updated dependencies
- b317379 Updated build
- 8c753a0 Updated cake build
- 6a59e96 Updtaed builds
- 1a79273 Updated readme
- b1e2974 Updated build info
- c4e72f8 Updated readme
- 99c4925 Updated build
- 9884a7a Updated build
- 32e7092 Updated build
- 662a4db Updated build, removed extra azure pipeline files and used new template
- 7756e97 Merge branch 'master' of
- fd5a7e1 Updated dependencies and added azure pipelines support +semver:minor
- e18189a Added Rocket Surgeons Guild logo to package
- 53e5651 Changed how dependency context is loadeD
- defadf0 small update
- d1bcef4 more testing stuffs
- 02a8c9b fixed build
- b25e69e Attempt to remove publish bits as it appears to be causing issues
- f2bde49 Updated coverage
- 1e4bc60 Updated cake stuffs
- 6f20f83 Updated to use latest functions runtime (supporst DI) and the new version does as well! +semver:minor
- 4cf475c Updated coverlet output
- c384dad Updated CoverletOutput
- cc37fad Updated
- 5d5b2c9 updated cake
- 80be2cc vscode settings
- 4946aa6 Updated testing dependencies
- 2c75c00 Updated dependencies
- 1237c8a updates
- 169ebe1 bump extensions
- b922ae1 Updated azure storage
- d539a90 Updated azure to latest +semver:minor
- 4cd994c Added support for latest azure functions
- ca89bc1 Updated build metadata version; Updated cake and dotnet sdk versions for travis
- ca78534 Updated cake
- 59bf2f8 Updated cake
- a774466 Updated conventions
- d0d4f2e Updated deps
- b8d669e Updated di / config
- 1925a6d fixed!
- 1cbddb5 Added support for extra execution and exception filters
- f6bc54b Updated deps
- 3b98dab Updated cake dependencies
- cc016d8 Updated cake dependencies
- ee34f6a Updated testing version
- 5c1f0fd Updated to latest dependencies
- 15ab817 Updated to latest dependencies
- 1799775 Updated to support JsonExtension values
- 80d13d3 Updated dependencies
- 83539c7 Better application and environment naming handling
- 5497cb1 Updated... figured out the problem finally
- 2548ee7 Added additional targeting to better support dependency contexts. Fixed issues with attributes not working as expected. Added customizable configuration at a per function app level. +semver: minor
- 204796c Updated to use latest bits
- 5a93afd...