Template to use Vidor 4000k with clean fpga and AVALON Bridge to Nina W-10*
The aim of this project is to use the power of the nina (esp32) with an clean Cyclon10.
- Quartus 18.1 light (could also work with other Quartus versions >= 17.0 )
- espressif toolchain
the following enviroment vars have to be set (could be added to ~/.profile)
export QSYS_ROOTDIR=~/intelFPGA_lite/18.1/quartus/sopc_builder/bin
export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=~/intelFPGA_lite/18.1/quartus/
the following enviroment vars have to be set (could be added to ~/.profile)
export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf
export PATH="$IDF_PATH/tools:$PATH"
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin
!!! UPDATE ... when compiling the project quartus already generates and copies the *.tff + app.h file to software/vidorSAM
If you only want to compile it without creating sim data doubleclick
Converter to *.ttf >>
open the "output_file.cof" file
Open a Terminal change in to the project folder and
cd software/vidorSAM
java ReverseByte outputfile.ttf app.h
the java script was provided by a private person that has some nice intro to FPGA development on the Vidor https://systemes-embarques.fr/wp/telechargement/ the script basicly just inverts the bitstream, because Quartus generats it the wronge way around
just open the Arduino IDE and Flash programm the vidorSAM.ino onto the vidor
This part is planed to be simplified in the future, to just add the bitstream to the vidorSAM.ino Project like the FPGA bitstream. But for now a few steps have to be taken to programm it.
Whats needed
- usb to serial converter
- breakoutboard (just needed for the two buttons, this could also be done via two resistors and two wires)
NOTE FOR Sausi .... TODO: add Pictures
Open a Terminal change in to the project folder and
cd software/nina
make flash
The FPGA code originates from https://github.com/vidor-libraries/VidorFPGA which is the official Arduino Repo
To programm NINA the UART pins have to be tunneled through the fpga to the vidor pinout. To do that add the HDL code
//=====nina esp32 programm interface===============
wire iRx_header,iCts_header,iDtr_header;
wire oTx_header;
wire iTx_esp;
wire oRx_esp,oCts_esp,oDtr_esp;
wire iRESET_button,iBOOT_button;
assign {iRESET_button,iBOOT_button} = {bMKR_AREF,bMKR_A[0]};
assign {iTx_esp,iRx_header,iCts_header,iDtr_header} = {iWM_TX,bMKR_D[13:11]};
assign {bMKR_D[14],oWM_RX,bWM_PIO27,oWM_RESET} = {oTx_header,oRx_esp,oCts_esp,oDtr_esp};
assign oTx_header = iTx_esp;
assign oRx_esp = iRx_header;
assign oCts_esp = iBOOT_button;//(iBOOT_button == 1) ? iCts_header : 1'b0;
assign oDtr_esp = iRESET_button;//(iRESET_button == 1) ? iDtr_header : 1'b0;
This one was a bit tricky to implement, first of all the payload convert code was taken from the official IP CORE ("SPI Slave to Avalon Master Bridge Intel") that can be found in "~/intelFPGA_lite/18.1/ip/altera/sopc_builder_ip/altera_avalon_spislave_to_avalonmm_bridge/Drivers/"
TODO: finish docu
after adjusting it to the needs of the esp32,
mySPI.fpga_write(0x40000, addr_offset, data);
uint32_t foo = mySPI.fpga_read(0x40000, addr_offset);