A repo to store our libraries of parts for diptrace
- Huzzah 32 - ESP32 WiFi microcontroller, LiPo charger, Adafruit Feather format
- DRV8833 - breakout for 1.2A, 2.7-10.8V stepper motor driver
- 4667 - PIR motion detector
- LH12H2220131 - Dual D-SUB 9
- TSL25911FN - High dynamic range digital light sensor
- ADuM1250 - I2C galvanic isolator
- TMP36 - Analog temperature sensor
- ADuM4195-1 - Isolated Amplifier with Fixed Gain and Single-Ended Output
- ATtiny4313 - microcontroller
- BZ12GA124ZAB - 16V max, 120mF supercapacitor
- BZ019A333ZSB - 9V max, 100mF supercapacitor
- 0697H2000-01 - 350VAC Slow Blow through hole fuse
- Generic BME280 breakout, from amazon or whatever
- SRR6603 - SMD inductor
- SRR1208 - SMD inductor
- CSS2H-2512R - Current sense resistors
- MFR - resettable PTC fuses
- SR1210A - Inductor
- 3306F - PCB mount potentiometer
- 3386F - PCB mount potentiometer with finger dial
- MOV-14D561K - 350V MOV
- SD04H1SB - SMD 4 gang switch
- MP821 - TO-220 power resistors
- CS42448 - 6 channel in, 8 channel out 24 bit audio codec
- XAL6060 - SMD shielded power inductor
- SER1390 - SMD shielded power inductor
- XFL4020 - SMD shielded power inductor
- PDQ30 - 30W isolated board mount DC-DC converter
- PJ-202BH - Barrel jack power connector, with switched pin
- TB003-500 - Screw terminals
- P7805-2000-S - 5V switching regulator module
- sj-352x-smt - Stereo phone jack
- 5530321F - Dual right angle indicator LED
- MMBT2222A - SOT23 of the classic 2222 NPN transistor
- AZ23C5V6 - Dual zener, 300mW total dissipation
- DMP6350S - 60V, 1.2A P-channel enhancement MOSFET
- AP7381 - Wide input voltage, low dropout, 150mA linear regulator
- LM2903 - Dual differential comparator, open collector output
- AS7805ADTR - 36Vin, 5V 1A out LDO
- AP2138 - ultra low IQ LDO
- AP1701 - voltage supervisor, holds part in reset when vcc is too low
- BK/1A1907-03-R - Fuse holder clips
- CTX-02-15835 - Push pull transformer
- EG1218 - Board mount SPDT slide switch
- EG2355 - Board mount SPDT toggle switch
- L272 - Dual power op amp
- FDD3690 - TO252 100V 22A N-channel power MOSFET
- FDV303N - SOT23 25V 0.68A N channel low threshold MOSFET
- MP3V5010DP - 10kPa Analog Differential Pressure Sensor
- FBR56ND12 - SPDT 30A board mount power relay
- FTR-P6GN012WA - SPDT 25A SMD power relay. Pure Fn Magic
- BBB - SMD headers with BeagleBone Black pinouts
- RasPi3ZeroW - The 40 pin main header for a raspberry pi 3 or zero
- Better: RasPi3ZeroW - The 40 pin main header for a raspberry pi 3 or zero, with clearer schematic symbol
- Nucleo 32 L432KC - Holes to mount STM32 dev board - an Azimath favorite
- ESC power - Holes for a couple of bullet connectors sized for directly attaching some brushless ESC directly to a PCB
- Jetson Dev EX1 - TX2 dev board GPIO header and holes for mounting standoffs
- Arduino Pro Mini - As named
- nRF module - Generic 2.4GHz radio: simple, low cost, longer range and lower speed than embedded wifi/bluetooth
- Teensy 3.2 - Microcontroller dev board, supplanted by Teensy 4.0
- Jetson WiFi Antenna - A hole suitable for mounting an SMA connector for a Wifi antenna
- Soil Capacitor - A prototype soil moisture sensor. Capacitive sensing eliminates galvanic corrosion.
- Spark Gap - A spark gap on a PCB to help redirect high voltage spikes in the low kV range
- ESP-01 - small cheap wifi module
- ESP-12F - cheap wifi module, exposes most esp8266 pins
- LS05-13BxxR3 - Mains to DC power supply, 3.3-5W isolated
- USB4105 - USB2.0 type C jack
- HIH6130 - SMD temperature and humidity sensor. I2C
- MPU-9250 - 9DOF IMU with built in motion processor. I2C interface
- B*B-XH-A - JST XH series connectors. 3A 250V
- B*B-XH-AM - JST XH series connectors. 3A 250V. Extra mechanical support
- SM02B-GHS-TB - JST GH series. Used for BlueRobotics leak detector
- BM06B-SRSS-TB- JST SH series. Not sure what it's for but there's probably something lying around
- EC2-3TNU - Dual coil latching signal relay. 3V 46mA coil, 220V 2A contacts
- EC2-3NU - Non-latching signal relay. 3V 46mA coil, 220V 2A contacts
- 3557-2 - Fuse holder
- 3587-10TR - Fuse holder. Used on robosub PD board
- 5018 - Test point. Solder on a thing to give a spot for probes to clip on
- 7691 - Vertical screw terminal, through hole. Attaches a ring or fork terminal to a PCB with a screw
- LTC2943 - Battery gas gauge. Counts coulombs and voltage for batteries up to 20V and a few Ah. Good for robosub LiPos. Simple programming
- LTC4316 - I2C address translator. Automatically isolates stuck bus faults.
- LTC4365 - Over, under, and reverse voltage power supply protector. Needs external MOSFETs
- LT8304 - No-opto, isolated, flyback converter. Use LT8304-1 for HV
- LTC3873-5 - Switching converter controller, 5V in
- C19 - 50mW SMD LED. Tiny
- LTST-C150 - 62mW SMD LED. 1206
- LTV-827S - Dual optoisolator
- LTST-C171BKT- SMD LED. 0805
- LTV-814H - High AC input current optoisolator. good for detecting 24VAC control signals in HVAC
- HE721C0510 - 250mA SPDT Reed Relay w kickback diode
- MAX31790 - 6 channel PWM fan controller. Takes care of closed loop RPM, rate of change control, spin up boost, stuck fan detect, etc
- MAX3232ECAE - RS232 tranceiver with built in charge pump
- MAX17205 - battery gas gauge. Monitors and balances 2 or 3S lithium packs. I2C interface
- MAX5035 - 76Vin, 1A buck converter
- MAX31855 - K type thermocouple ADC
- DFLZ30-TP - 1 watt, SOD123 zener diode
- IRM-02 - 2W Encapsulated AC/DC Isolated Power Supply
- MLX91221KDC - Hall effect current sense IC. Up to 50A
- MIC4680 - Integrated switching regulator. Needs external inductor and diode. 1.3A max output, 3.3, 5 or adjustable volts. 34V max input
- MCP23008 - 8 bit I2C GPIO expander
- MCP6547 - Open drain, low power, dual comparator
- MCP23017 - 16 bit I2C GPIO expander
- BHAA-3 - AA battery holder
- 10GaugeWirePad - A hole to solder a 10 AWG wire directly to PCB. Used with silicone fine strand
- 16GaugeWirePad - A hole to solder a 16 AWG wire directly to a PCB.
- 1N4148W-TP - High speed diode, 100Vdc max reverse, 150mA average forward
- Copper strip slot - A hole to solder Laki2 battery tabs directly to a PCB
- Solder jumper - some pads that can be soldered or desoldered as a cheap, durable switch
- Castellated pad - ???
- 39-29, 39-30 - Mini-fit JR sockets. Same series as PC motherboard power connectors. We've got real crimpers somewhere
- 48406-0003 - Dual USB3. Don't expect USB3 speeds unless you really know what you're doing
- 0026013141 - right angle 2 pin mini fit jr
Oops, all capacitors
- NTE642 - 100V, 2A schottky diode
- B3F-1050 - Board mount tactile switch
- SMS05T1 - 5V ESD quad surge protector
- SMS12T1 - 12V ESD quad surge protector
- MBRA130LT3G - 1 amp power Schottky diode
- CAT24C256XI-T2 - 256 Kb I2C EEPROM
- CAT811 - Voltage supervisor. Resets microcontrollers when voltage goes wierd. Many modern uCs have one built in.
- NUP2105L - Dual line CAN bus TVS protector
- OSTVN02A150 - 2 position screw terminal
- EVQ-PAC04M - Board mount tactile switch
- Boron - Microcontroller with LTE Cat M1 cell modem, LiPo management, BLE
Teensy 4.0 and 4.1. Crazy powerful microcontrollers running 600MHz, supported by Arduino IDE with plugin
- DRV8256E - 2A 48V motor driver with phase/enable inputs
- Mini-fit jr variants
- XT90 - Solder an XT90 connector directly to a PCB like a madman. Double check fit with paper printout before use
- 103AT-2 - High precision 10k thermistor
- Some screw terminals Azimath found a bucket of at Skycraft surplus
- DB157TB - 1.5 amp 1000V peak full bridge rectifier
- SK310BTR - 3 amp 100Vr schottky rectifier
- Qwiic connector - Sparkfun's standard connector for I2C devices. Makes it easy to add misc sensors and stuff after the fact.
- RGB Sparkfun Encoder - Rotary quadrature encoder with RGB LEDs that light up the transparent shaft
- SPV1040 - single cell solar boost charger with MPPT
- LD1085D2T33R - 3.3V LDO
- STD5N20L - 200V 5A N channel MOSFET
- TSM240N03CX - 30V 4A SOT23 N channel power MOSFET
- TPC817X-C9 - Optoisolator with good current transfer ratio
- CLF7045NIT - Power inductor
- SLF6028 - Power inductor
- B65545 - P14x8 transformer core
- RTD14005 - 16A relay, 5V coil, SPDT
- OZ-SS-103LM1,200 - 16A relay, NO contact only
- ADS1115 - Quad channel, 860Sps, 16 bit ADC with PGA and I2C
- BQ24703 - Multi chemistry battery charger, 28V max, monitors a battery and external DC input power, drives a switching regulator to charge
- BQ34Z100-G1 - Battery gas gauge with I2C, LED display driver, etc. There's python lying around for it but from scratch you're gonna have a bad time.
- BQ77915 - Provides balancing, over/under voltage, current, and temperature protection for batteries. Stack em up for as many series cells as you can fit in one robot (4 cells per chip).
- ISO1044 - Isolated CAN tranceiver. up to 5Mbps with good layout
- ISO1540 - I2C isolator
- ISO7840 - GPIO isolator
- LM2674MX-12 - Switching regulator. Needs external inductor, capacitors, and diode. Max 40V in, 500mA out.
- LM5164 - Switching regulator. Needs external inductor and capacitors. Max 100V in, 1A out.
- LMR62421XMF - Switching boost regulator. Needs external inductor, capacitors, and diode. Max 24V, 2.1A out.
- LP5907 - Ultra low noise, low Iq LDO. Max 5.5V in, 250mA out. Used to cut the noise out of supplies right before sensitive analog circuits.
- MSP430 - A few MSP430 variants, different packages in the value line and FRAM line.
- OPA1664 - Low noise audio quad op amp
- OPA991 - general purpose op amp
- OPA2991 - general purpose dual op amp, upgraded OPA2171
- OPA4991 - general purpose quad op amp, upgraded OPA4171
- SN65HVD230 - 3.3V CAN tranceiver
- SN74LV1T126 - Logic buffer with some voltage translation available
- SN74LVC2G07 - Dual open drain buffer driver
- SN74LVC2G34 - Dual push pull buffer driver
- TCA9617B - voltage translating I2C repeater
- TCAN337 - 3.3V CAN FD tranceiver with silent mode and fault output
- TLC5947 - 24 channel, 12 bit PWM LED driver
- TLC5955 - 48 channel, 16 bit PWM LED driver
- TLIN1029-Q1 - LIN tranceiver
- TLV411X - op amp with 300mA output drive
- TLV70433DBVR - 24V max in, 3.3V 150mA out ultra low Iq LDO
- TMP102 - low power i2c temperature sensor
- TPS22919 - 1 channel 1.5A power switch
- TPS2400 - overvoltage protection controller
- TPS54202 - 4.5 to 24V input, 2A output buck converter. Requires external inductor
- TPS54531 - 28V max input, 5A output buck converter. Requires external inductor and diode
- TPS7B6933-Q1 - 40V max input, 150mA output ultra low Iq LDO
- TPS731 - ultra low dropout low Iq linear regulator
- TPS76601 - Ultra low dropout ultra low Iq linear regulator
- TPS7A6533QKVURQ1 - Automotive 300-mA, off-battery (40-V), low-IQ, low-dropout voltage regulator in a TO-252 (KVU) package with 3 pins.
- TXB0106 - 6 channel bidirectional voltage translator
- T-Display - ESP32 board with built in color TFT display
- Venus638FLPx - GPS receiver chip
- TEPT5700 - Photodiode
- SMBJ18A, SMBJ5.0A - 600W peak transient voltage suppressor
- SMC5K22A - 5kW peak transient voltage suppressor
- Si4497DY - SOIC-8 30V 36A P-channel MOSFET
- 50WQ04FNPBF - 5.5A schottky rectifier
- VO2223A - 1A optoisolated triac
- 150080RS75000 - 72mW 0805 LED
- 74477120 - 100uH, 1.53A inductor
- 140354245000 - AC Input optocoupler