This package contains an admittance controller for a delta parallel manipulator.
Keywords: ROS, Melodic, Delta, Admittance Controller
Author: Victor Rosillo
University of Malaga
Maintainer: Victor Rosillo Suero, [email protected]
Bachelor's Thesis: Adaptive control of a lightweight three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator.
Parallel delta manipulator with 3 degrees of freedom. This manipulator has been designed and manufactured by researches from the ISA department at the University of Malaga.
ROS version Melodic
Use rosdep
sudo rosdep install --from-paths src
To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using
cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone
cd ../
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src
Run the serial_node which is connecting a real force sensor with the controller framework.
roslaunch admittance_controller admittance_serial.launch
Run the dummy test for the controller, you can save a rosbag file and watch the results of the simulation. Online forces are applied to the system.
roslaunch admittance_controller admittance_dummy.launch
Config file for setting initial controller parameters and changing them in real time.
Launch file to perform real tests with a 3DoF force sensor.
Launch file to perform controller simulations using online force signals.
An admittance controller for a 6 DoF parallel manipulator.
A test node that you can launch if you want to test the admittance controller and check the results without using a real force sensor. In other words, force will be applied online.
([geometry_msgs/Vector3])Topic where force sensor readings are published.
([geometry_msgs/Vector3])Topic where desired velocity of the end-efector is published.