本书尝试用最简洁的语言,最简短的代码,帮助读者快速掌握 Python 数据分析的方法。本书内容基于作者常年对 Python 课程的教学,更加适合经济管理类专业的学生阅读。
本书的撰写过程中,结合了笔者之前在 CSDN 撰写的一些博客,之前用 Latex 撰写的一些手稿,以及 Python 课堂教学参考书中的部分内容。
This book aims to help readers quickly grasp Python data analysis methods using the simplest language and the shortest code. The content is based on the author’s extensive experience teaching Python courses and is particularly suitable for students in economics and management fields.
In writing this book, the author has drawn upon prior blog posts published on CSDN, some handwritten notes originally prepared in LaTeX, and certain reference materials used in Python classroom teaching.
As an early-career scholar navigating the challenging academic path, the author embarked on writing this book out of pure interest and passion, with limited expectation for it to contribute to career advancement or academic publications. However, having chosen the academic path, my aspiration is to continually learn interesting knowledge, tackle academic problems, and share insights with others. This, I believe, is the true pursuit of my academic journey.