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      QuickStart Guide: Running MPJ Express on UNIX/Linux/Mac platform
                  Last Updated: Friday April 17 11:51:20 PKT 2015
                                Version 0.44


MPJ Express is a reference implementation of the mpiJava 1.2 API, which
is an MPI-like API for Java defined by the Java Grande forum. 

MPJ Express can be configured in two ways: 

1. Multicore Configuration: This configuration is used by developers who want 
   to execute their parallel Java applications on multicore or shared 
   memory machines (laptops and desktops).

2. Cluster Configuration: This configuration is used by developers who want to 
   execute their parallel Java applications on distributed memory platforms
   including clusters and network of computers. There are four options in the 
   cluster configuration.
   i) niodev - uses Java NIO Sockets
   ii) mxdev - uses Myrinet eXpress (MX) library for Myrinet networks
   iii) hybdev - for clusters of multicore processors
   iv) native - uses a native MPI library (like MPICH, MVAPICH, Open MPI) 

This document contains steps to help you execute your first MPJ Express program
on UNIX/Linux/Mac platforms. Windows users should consult README-win.txt.


1. Java 1.6 (stable) or higher (Mandatory)
2. Apache ant 1.6.2 or higher (Optional)
3. Perl (Optional)
4. Native MPI library (Optional): Native MPI library such as MPICH, MVAPICH
   or Open MPI is required for running MPJ Express in cluster configuration
   with native device.
5. CMake (Optional): CMake is used for generating Makefile to compile native 
   JNI C code

Running MPJ Express Programs in the Multicore Configuration

1. Download MPJ Express and unpack it. 
2. Set MPJ_HOME and PATH environmental variables:
       export MPJ_HOME=/path/to/mpj/
       export PATH=$MPJ_HOME/bin:$PATH 
       (These above two lines can be added to ~/.bashrc)
3. Write your MPJ Express program ( and save it. 
4. Compile: javac -cp .:$MPJ_HOME/lib/mpj.jar
5. Execute: -np 4 HelloWorld

Running MPJ Express Programs in the Cluster Configuration

1. Assuming you have completed step 1 to 4 of the Multicore Configuration.
2. Write a machines file (name it "machines") stating host names or IP
   addresses of all machines involved in the parallel execution.
3. Execution:
-- For niodev, hybdev and mxdev
	i) Start daemons: mpjboot machines
	ii) Execute: -np 4 -dev niodev HelloWorld
		-- For -dev <device> here device can be niodev, 
		hybdev or mxdev
	iii) Stop daemons: mpjhalt machines  
-- For native deive
	i) Compile JNI wrapper library:
		a) Make sure cmake (2.6 or above) is installed on the system
		b) Make sure a native MPI library is installed on the system 
		   and working. To install MPICH for example go to and download the native MPI 
		   library, install and make sure that its working.
		c) Create build directory: cd $MPJ_HOME/src/natmpjdev/lib; 
		   			   mkdir build 
	        d) Generate Makefile using cmake: cmake ..
		e) make: make 
		f) install: make install
	ii) Execute: -np 4 -dev native HelloWorld

For detials read the linuxguide.pdf that can be found in $MPJ_HOME/doc

Running MPJ Express Programs on HADOOP Clusters
To run your MPJ programs on HADOOP Clusters, please refer to "yarnguide.pdf"
in $MPJ_HOME/doc folder

Known Issues

1. One of the known issues of MPJ Express in cluster configuration is incorrect 
   working directroy. This issue is reported on cluster build using Rocks 
   clusters. MPJRun module of MPJ Express reads the current directory i.e. user
   directory using System.getProperty("user.dir") It should retrun same path as 
   Unix 'pwd' command. But it is not giving same result. As a manual work 
   around for this issue is to use -wdir switch in mpjrun command and giving 
   path to the current directory where HelloWorld is placed i.e. -np 4 -dev niodev -wdir /export/home/aamir/projects/mpj-user/ HelloWorld   

Additional Documentation

For more details, see $MPJ_HOME/doc/linuxguide.pdf

Contact and Support

In case you run into issues please consult $MPJ_HOME/doc/linuxguide.pdf. If 
your query/problem is still not resolved, contact us by emailing: 

1. MPJ Express mailing list:
2. Aamir Shafi ([email protected])
3. Mohsan Jameel ([email protected])
4. Bryan Carpenter ([email protected])
5. Muhammad Ansar Javed ([email protected])
6. Bibrak Qamar ([email protected])
7. Aleem Akhtar ([email protected])
8. Hamza Zafar ([email protected])


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