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Daily cases and deaths by date reported to WHO

Field name	Type	Description
Date_reported	Date	Date of reporting to WHO
Country_code	String	ISO Alpha-2 country code
Country	String	Country, territory, area
WHO_region	String	WHO regional offices: WHO Member States are grouped into six WHO regions -- Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), Regional Office for the Americas (AMRO), Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO), Regional Office for Europe (EURO), Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), and Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO).
New_cases	Integer	New confirmed cases. Calculated by subtracting previous cumulative case count from current cumulative cases count.*
Cumulative_cases	Integer	Cumulative confirmed cases reported to WHO to date.
New_deaths	Integer	New confirmed deaths. Calculated by subtracting previous cumulative deaths from current cumulative deaths.*
Cumulative_deaths	Integer	Cumulative confirmed deaths reported to WHO to date.


Latest reported counts of cases and deaths

Field name	Type	Description
Name	String	Country, territory, area
WHO_region	String	WHO Region
Cases - cumulative total	Integer	Cumulative confirmed cases reported to WHO to date.
Cases - cumulative total per 100000 population	Decimal	Cumulative confirmed cases reported to WHO to date per 100,000 population.
Cases - newly reported in last 7 days	Integer	New confirmed cases reported in the last 7 days. Calculated by subtracting previous cumulative case count (8 days prior) from current cumulative cases count.
Cases - newly reported in last 7 days per 100000 population	Decimal	New confirmed cases reported in the last 7 days per 100,000 population.
Cases - newly reported in last 24 hours	Integer	New confirmed cases reported in the last 24 hours. Calculated by subtracting previous cumulative case count from current cumulative cases count.
Deaths - cumulative total	Integer	Cumulative confirmed deaths reported to WHO to date.
Deaths - cumulative total per 100000 population	Decimal	Cumulative confirmed deaths reported to WHO to date per 100,000 population.
Deaths - newly reported in last 7 days	Integer	New confirmed deaths reported in the last 7 days. Calculated by subtracting previous cumulative death count (8 days prior) from current cumulative deaths count.
Deaths - newly reported in last 7 days per 100000 population	Decimal	New confirmed deaths reported in the last 7 days per 100,000 population.
Deaths - newly reported in last 24 hours	Integer	New confirmed deaths reported in the last 24 hours. Calculated by subtracting previous cumulative death count from current cumulative deaths count.

Vaccination data

Field name	Type	Description
COUNTRY	String	Country, territory, area
ISO3	String	ISO Alpha-3 country code
WHO_REGION	String	WHO regional offices: WHO Member States are grouped into six WHO regions: Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), Regional Office for the Americas (AMRO), Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO), Regional Office for Europe (EURO), Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), and Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO).
DATA_SOURCE	String	Indicates data source: - REPORTING: Data reported by Member States, or sourced from official reports - OWID: Data sourced from Our World in Data:
DATE_UPDATED	Date	Date of last update
TOTAL_VACCINATIONS	Integer	Cumulative total vaccine doses administered
PERSONS_VACCINATED_1PLUS_DOSE	Decimal	Cumulative number of persons vaccinated with at least one dose
TOTAL_VACCINATIONS_PER100	Integer	Cumulative total vaccine doses administered per 100 population
PERSONS_VACCINATED_1PLUS_DOSE_PER100	Decimal	Cumulative persons vaccinated with at least one dose per 100 population
PERSONS_FULLY_VACCINATED	Integer	Cumulative number of persons fully vaccinated
PERSONS_FULLY_VACCINATED_PER100	Decimal	Cumulative number of persons fully vaccinated per 100 population
VACCINES_USED	String	Combined short name of vaccine: “Company - Product name” (see below)
FIRST_VACCINE_DATE	Date	Date of first vaccinations. Equivalent to start/launch date of the first vaccine administered in a country.
NUMBER_VACCINES_TYPES_USED	Integer	Number of vaccine types used per country, territory, area
PERSONS_BOOSTER_ADD_DOSE	Integer	Persons received booster or additional dose
PERSONS_BOOSTER_ADD_DOSE_PER100	Decimal	Persons received booster or additional dose per 100 population


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