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Template for lessons

Karen Cranston edited this page Dec 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

This page is deprecated. See the current lesson template

The lessons developed for the Reproducible Science Curriculum will follow the template used by Software and Data Carpentry lessons.

At this stage, we haven't decided if we will use similar suite of tools for rendering the lessons but the overall organization of the lesson makes them easy to adapt to different teaching contexts, and by writing the lessons in markdown we will be able to generate easily different kind of outputs as needed.

The full description of the Software Carpentry lesson template can be found here

  • Lessons should be written in markdown (or Rmarkdown).
  • Lessons should start with learning objectives. This a bullet list of concepts that are covered by the lesson.
  • Lessons should be organized in topics. Topics are short (can be taught in 15-30 min), relatively self-contained and focus on one particular aspect of the lesson. Topics should be named (with dd a double digit number indicating the order in which they should be taught, and slug a keyword describing the topic, e.g.,
  • Topics should include challenges that relate directly to the learning objectives
  • Topics can also include asides, titled "Callout Box" that provide additional information, warnings, etc.
  • Lessons should include an page that lists all the topics and potentially links to other pages included in the lesson.

Software Carpentry also uses:

  • that describe participants how knowing the subject will help them
  • a cheat sheet for learners
  • links and resources to learn more about the topics covered by the lesson
  • information for instructors about the content of the lesson and how to best teach it

If you think they would be useful for your lesson, include them but they are not required.

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