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Ben Heasly edited this page Aug 21, 2015 · 9 revisions

The Dice recipe wraps a bitmap texture around modeled dice that are roughly cube-shaped. Since the dice are modeled with smooth edges and indented "pips", the texture wrapping requires a custom UV map.

Above, PBRT rendered the scene.

Above, Mitsuba rendered the scene.


The parent scene contains 4 dice in mid-roll, tumbling over a flat plane. Two white lights illuminate the dice, one from above and one from near the camera. The camera sits near the plane.

The dice are manipulated to use a matte material with diffuse reflectance taken from an image file, based on a UV "layout" template that Blender created. The template contains grid lines that correspond to UV coordinates. The template was "colored in" for this scene with blue-filled grid squares and red "pips".

The flat plane is manipulated to use a brown-looking multi-spectral refelctance.

Here is the customized texture image:


The executive script MakeDice.m produced the images above. It is located at here:


Transformations Variant

DiceTransformations is a variant of the Dice recipe. It produces a family of four renderer-native scene files and renderings, using a variety of spatial transformations on one of the dice. These demonstrate interactions between spatial transformations that you might want to apply to an object with spatial transformations exported from the modeled, and one way to handle with the interactions.

The executive script MakeDiceTransformations.m produces the family of scene files and renderings.

Please see DiceTransformations for renderings and explanation of spatial transformations.

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