git clone
Login into to the Amazon console UI and create a Key-Pair (kp)
cd into the repo then run
./spark-ec2 --key-pair=kp --identity-file=/path/kp.pem --region=eu-west-1 --copy-aws-credentials --hadoop-major-version=yarn -s 2 launch h2o
If everything went fine you would be able to connect to the Spark cluster UI http://MASTER-IP:8080
you might want to
chmod 400 /path/kp.pem
Once the cluster is fully set up add a rule into the security group of the master node of the cluster
Custom TCP Rule TCP 7077
from the root of the project
sbt assembly
run from the local app repo
scp -i /path/kv.pem target/scala-2.10/h2oOnCluster-assembly-1.0.jar root@MASTER-IP:/root/h2o/h2o.jar
then ssh into the cluster master node
ssh -i /path/kv.pem root@MASTER-IP
export your AWS credential
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=blabla
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=blablabla
Eventually run
./spark/bin/spark-submit --name "H2O test" --master spark://MASTER-IP:7077 h2o/h2o.jar